Case Studies
Case Studies
See practical examples from around the world of how deaths and serious injuries have been prevented.
Case studies listed in alphabetical order based on case study name. Click on the category heading below to view the related case studies.All Case Studies
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Name of case study | Project Leads | Description |
A Brief Overview on the Road Safety Approach in Singapore | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The report introduces how the Safe System Approach works, with a focus on road infrastructure and road safety engineering best practices from one of the best performing countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Singapore. |
A-375 Road | Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain) | This case study describes the reduction in number of head-on and run-off crashes on A-375 road in Spain after implementation of central line rumble strips. |
A-4 Highway | Spanish National Government | This case study describes the improvement in Star Rating after implementation of safety barriers on selected section of A-4 highway in Spain. Star Rating improved from 3-star to 4-star for vehicle occupants and from 1-star to 2-star for motorcyclists. |
A404 Amersham | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | This case study describes the upgrades that were implemented on Britain’s most improved road as reported in the British EuroRAP Risk Mapping Results 2014. The upgrades have improved the Star Ratings to 39% 2-star, 28% 3-star and 33% 4-star for this road user group. For pedestrians the upgrades have seen the Star Ratings improve from 17% 2-star, 62% 3-star and 21% 4-star to 56% 3-star and 44% 4-star with the 2-star sections eliminated… |
Amend and Zoleka Mandela Cut the Ribbon on Lifesaving Infrastructure in Accra, Ghana | Amend | In March, 2020, Zoleka Mandela joined Amend at Oblogo Schools in Accra, Ghana – where recently two children have been killed and many injured in traffic – to cut the ribbon on lifesaving infrastructure. |
America’s Best New Bikeways of 2020 | People for Bikes | These projects make biking more useful, more beautiful and more welcoming to all riders. With careful planning and smart construction, cities relied on support from residents to expand access to completely connected, comfortable mobility networks, allowing people on bikes or on foot to travel safely throughout their community. |
Análisis de conflictos viales: metodología y resultados en el entorno escolar de BINE, Puebla | Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC) | An intersection adjacent to the Benemérito Instituto Nacional del Estado (BINE), was improved with low-cost infrastructure widening the pedestrian spaces through the implementation of bollards and markings, which reduced pedestrian crossing, reduced the exposure time of pedestrians crossing the road and rearranged the parking area. The intervention led to a 69% decrease in road conflicts compared to the situation before the intervention, and a star rating increase from 1 to 3 stars. |
Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway-20 in Karnataka | World Bank | Case study presents the infrastructure improvements and the resultant reduction in crashes on Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway in Karnataka, India. Implementation of treatments such as intersection improvements, 2+1 lanes, pedestrian crossing facilities, roadside safety barriers, speed calming etc. showed significant improvement in Star Rating and over 50% reduction in fatalities. |
Belize City to Belmopan Road Safety Improvements | Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)Government of Belize | Upgrades to the demonstration corridor, informed by iRAP’s recommendations led to: improved safety performance of the road from 5% 3-star or better to 100% 3-star or better; fatality reductions from 33 deaths a year to a 5-year average of 8. |
Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies | Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), City of Buenos Aires, City of Fortaleza, City of Rotterdam, New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), Transport for London (TfL) | These case studies from Bogotá, Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Rotterdam and London illustrate the diversity of approaches available to better understand and prevent serious road crashes in cities. They also include experiences of developing reliable traffic injury data, enforcing speed limits, implementing safer street design, and predicting and preventing road crashes. Each case study exemplifies best practice in one or more of the areas examined. |
Better Data for Safer Roads in the Philippines: New legislation supporting nation-wide scale up of DRIVER in the Philippines | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | The Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation and Reporting System (DRIVER) was integrated into the daily workflow of Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2020 through a legislation. Effective monitoring and trainings were established in regional, provincial, district and city levels to ensure faithful compliance. This is another strong milestone in establishing DRIVERS as the national crash data collection system in the Philippines. |
Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System – Case Studies | Bikesafe | A series of case studies that illustrate various treatments and/or programs as implemented in a USA state or municipality. |
Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra) Upgrade | Australian Government, Queensland Government | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Cooroy to Curra section of Bruce Highway. A new 12km, 4-lane divided highway with safety barriers, grade separated interchange, etc. was delivered through an investment of AUD$513 million. Comparison of the reported crash data on the old Bruce Highway to the new alignment show an 82% reduction in fatal and serious injuries (FSIs). |
Building Momentum for Seat-Belt Laws in Turkey | Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS) | In 2012, Turkey’s Prime Minister launched the Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. This important government strategy set a goal of increasing seat-belt use from 44% to 70% in urban areas and 76% to 90% in suburban areas by 2015, and 80% and 100%, respectively, by 2020. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through press conferences and collaborating with partners to create a civil society declaration. |
Building safer roads through better design and better contracts | Government of Tamil Nadu, World Bank | This road sector project in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu shows how relatively simple and affordable design improvements can make roads significantly safer, and bring other important benefits such as enhanced drainage and water conservation. Facilities installed had combined increased construction costs by only about 10% ($100,000 per km)—a worthwhile investment in light of the safety and operational benefits. It is estimated that deaths fell by around 31% after facilities were installed. |
Central Hatching in Malaysia | Malaysian Institute of Road Safety (MIROS) | After iRAP Malaysia pilot project in 2008, MIROS undertook a study to test the effectiveness of central hatching which was recommended by iRAP at selected locations. The study involved installation of central hatching on a 2.8km length section of four lane highway and evaluation of resultant impacts. |
Child-Centering Road Safety: Making Sure It Works for Girls and Boys | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Shaanxi Provincial Department of Transportation | From 2015–2020, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) supported a project in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that made system-wide improvements to road safety,(link is external) including infrastructure, institutional strengthening, and education interventions. Child-centered and participatory methodologies were used in three primary schools and their communities along #102 Provincial Highway in Xunyang County, South Shaanxi. |
Collection of reports on the investigation of severe road crashes in the web site of France’s Bureau of Investigation for Accidents of Surface Transports | Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau | The land transport accident investigation bureau (BEA-TT) performs technical investigations into serious crashes to prevent similar occurrences. |
Corridor C-12 Road | Catalan government | C-12 is a single carriageway road, without median separation, and has relatively high operating speed and moderate curves. The study shows a comparison of baseline Star Rating with the achievable Star Rating by implementing the suggested investment plan and a scenario to provide 2+1 lane configuration with median barrier throughout. |
Corridor C-55 / C-58 | Catalan government | This case study describes the benefits of implementation of median barrier along a highspeed road segment which recorded and high number of fatal crashes. iRAP Star Rating increased from 2-star to 3-star on the sections of road where median barrier was installed. Fatal and serious injuries in the three years after implementation were almost half the number in the three years before. The number of fatalities was reduced from 16 to 1. |
Creating and Implementing a Plan for Child Helmet Use in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Through careful research and planning and working closely with the government, by a coalition initiated by the AIP Foundation, within one year helmet wearing has significantly increased. This Case Study’s tactics include drafting an action plan, coalition building, identifying and engaging key champions, launching a public awareness campaign, creating and distributing a school manuals, engaging with traditional media, and monitoring implementation. |
Creating Spaces for Kids in Istanbul: The Transformation of Zümrütevler Square | Maltepe Municipality, NACTO-GDCI | This case study discusses the transformation of Zümrütevler Square in Istanbul. Unorganised parking space in the square has been converted into children’s play area and space for pedestrians. |
Cross-sections and mid-block National Road M2-R7 Saratenii-Soroca-Drochia Junction | Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC) | This case study focuses on the influence that elements of design may have on the Star Rating Score (SRS), the values in the scale that determine which of the Star Rating bands (1-5, with 5 the safest) a road section may achieve. SRS scores reflect risk to individual road users, the higher the score the higher the risk. The case study shows the application of Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) in this process. Its shows how SR4D may assess the safety of the road and elements of the road before construction begins. |
CRTIP project | UNICEF and Safe Kids Worldwide | Child Road Traffic Injury Prevention (CRTIP) program aims to make roads safer for children in the Philippines by developing models for child road traffic safety programs, strengthening data collection and analysis, improving road safety laws and policies, enhancing multisectoral action for children’s safety, and improving road safety education for school children. As a pilot, 66 schools were assessed using SR4S and four school were upgraded. |
Cycle friendly traffic calming on the F3 cycle highway | Municipality of Herent | Where a road crosses a village, there is often limited space available between buildings. The reconstruction of Lodewijk van Veltemstraat in the municipality of Herent is an example how to provide continuous cycling infrastructure in such case. |
Delivering Road Safety in India | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The report points to the high death rate on India’s roads caused by a chronic lack of investment in systemic, targeted, and sustained road safety programs and identifies relevant investment priorities to reverse the trend. |
E75 (NR-90, CH.182+400 – CH.184+600) | EuroRAP | In this case study, the Star Rating for Designs is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road section can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. It is also proved that it is not mandatory to rely upon crash data to demonstrate a potential safety improvement. |
Effect of the helmet act for motorcyclists in Thailand | Government of Thailand | After enforcement of the helmet act, helmet-wearers increased five-fold while head injuries decreased by 41.4% and deaths by 20.8%. Those who had head or neck injuries or died were less likely wearing a helmet. |
Effectively Reducing the Number of Drink Drivers | Mexican Red Cross Society (MRCS) | The Mexican Red Cross Society teamed up with the local police in Guanajuato, Mexico to help garner public support and increase legitimacy for drink driving enforcement checkpoints. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through a kick-off meeting, utilizing volunteers to help convey the road safety message, and creating partnerships to bolster effectiveness. |
El Salvador’s Coastal Highway | Government of El Salvador, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) | A safer road design was achieved particularly for vulnerable road users, lifting the original design from a largely 1-2 Star Rating, to a 2-5 Star Rating. It also lead to a better understanding within the road authority of road safety design principles. |
Evaluation of Wide Centreline Treatment Effectiveness | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads | Wide centrelines increase separation of opposing traffic with painted lines up to 1 metre wide, often accompanied by audio-tactile linemarking. The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads implemented this treatment on selected sections of the Bruce Highway in 2011. This evaluation found that head on fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 30% and run off road fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 24%. |
Final evaluation of 80 km/h speed limit on single carriageway roads outside built-up areas in France | Cerema | To support a national target of a 50% reduction in road fatalities, speed limits on two-way rural roads with no central separator in mainland France. The initiative resulted in significant reductions in serious trauma and overall socio-economic benefits of more than EUR 700 million per year. |
Forming a Coalition to Bring Attention to E-Bike Regulation in | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | To help bring awareness and attention on the need for e-bike regulation, road safety advocates created the Tianjin Road Safety Alliance. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through awareness events, hosting joint media events and walk-a-thons, as well as, gathering and sharing data within a coalition. |
Fortaleza Cares: Prioritizing Safer Access to Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital | Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital, Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), NACTO-GDCI, World Resources Institute (WRI) | Transforming the safety of the streets surrounding the hospital. This area, in Fortaleza, Brazil, is now equipped with safe pedestrian infrastructure that has reduced the number of people walking on the roadbed by 86%, and greatly improved accessibility to the hospital. |
From Legislation to Implementation in Cambodia | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | In late 2014, after several years of discussion between advocates and the government, the Cambodian government passed comprehensive road traffic legislation. Tactics in this Case Study include: fostering partnerships, coordinating with other road safety activists, working closely with the government to commit funds for implementation, and conducting trainings and workshops on road safety. |
Generic case of selecting sites for 2+1 with median barrier Road 4, south west of Debrecen – Ukraine border | EuroRAP | This case study has shown how iRAP Star Rating maps, Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIPs) and tools within the iRAP software platform ViDA maps may be used to guide site selection for 2+1 roads with median barrier in Hungary. |
Head First: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Motorcycle Helmet Campaign | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Published to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Vietnam’s 2007 introduction of a universal helmet law, ‘Head First’ details the decade-long campaign to secure the legislations, and the decade-long implementation effort since. |
High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Crash Reduction Program | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) | High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Program in Kentucky is one of the 2013 winners of The Annual National Roadway Safety Awards. Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) conducted a pilot program to improve skid resistance using high friction surfacing treatment (HFST) at 26 locations prone to run-off crashes. |
Human lives need not be lost in road crashes—much less at current levels | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Karnataka, World Bank | The project supported the adoption of a whole-of-government programmatic approach to road safety, with activities focused on every stage: policy, planning, design, construction, and operation. The results have been striking: fatalities and injuries along the Belagavi – Yaragatti (62 km) State Highway corridor, that piloted the approach, were reduced by more than 50%. Approximately $9 million was invested, including approximately $6 million wo for safer infrastructure (~($100,000/km). |
Illustrations of roads improved with safer infrastructure | World Bank | Illustrations with example images showing before and after Star Ratings of state highways in Gujarat and Kerala improved with safer infrastructure. |
Impact of reduction of posted speed limits | Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary | Speed reduction, pedestrians |
Implementing Road Safety Engineering Measures in Ho Chi Minh City | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study describes the upgrades implemented on the city roads of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which were assessed by iRAP under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). Based on iRAP and BIGRS partners recommendations, the local administration has implemented over 300 road safety engineering measures such as refuge islands, raised pedestrian crossings, footbridges etc. |
Improved Line Marking and Rumble Strips | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A 3-E’s (Education, Engineering & Enforcement) approach was undertaken to address the crashes on State Highway 1 in New Zealand. Engineering treatments such as 150mm double yellow profiled centreline marking, 150mm edgeline marking and 150mm wide ribs immediately outside of the edgeline were implemented on a 37km section out of the entire 200km project road. Fatal and serious injury crashes on this 37km section dropped by 67% after implementation of these measures… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities Around Ied Rodrigo Lara Bonilla | Bogota Mobility Secretariat | In 2018, as part of the city’s Vision Zero approach, the Bogota Mobility Secretariat launched their 2,000th safe school zone, around the IED Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Public School in Ciudad Bolivar.As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), in partnership with the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and NACTO-GDCI, the Mobility Secretariat started a pilot project in the area. The countermeasures were first tested with temporary materials to verify their impact. Cones and plants were introduced… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities At Shohada, Imam Ali & Azmoodeh Primary Schools | Global Alliance of NGOs, Road Safety Pioneers | Assessments were conducted around eight primary schools in Tehran and Mashhad using the SR4S app. Three schools were found to have a 1-star safety rating and were selected for the implementation of safety treatments. Treatments included the installation of delineation, speed bumps, road studs and an on-road thermoplastic school sign. SR4S was again used to assess the school zones post-construction. The result was an improvement to 3-stars for the Shohada School, 4-stars for the Imam Ali School and 2-stars for the Azmoodeh School. |
Improving road safety through speed management in Accra | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | With the support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIRGS) 2015-2019, pedestrian footbridges, new speed limits, crosswalks, and installation of traffic lights were completed in an effort to make roads safer in Ghana. The BIGRS initiative surveyed and assessed 260 km of roads in In Accra; completed 74 km of construction based on iRAP survey recommendations; trained 164 professionals on road safety; which could prevent over 5,243 potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years |
Improving road safety through speed management in Bogotá | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), City of Bogotá, Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), iRAP | In Bogotá, a network of approximately 200 km of roads has been assessed for road safety risks in the BIGRS program. The results show that over 40% of this network has an iRAP star rating of 1 or 2 for bicyclists, and over 60% is 1 or 2 stars for pedestrians. Scenarios tested using iRAP, along with input from the BIGRS partnership, showed significant safety benefits from reducing the speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h in key arterial roads… |
Increasing Road Safety in Argentina | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | A $38.5 million road safety initiative was launched in Argentina by the World Bank to reduce road traffic injuries, crashes and fatalities. The components of the initiative include institutional capacity-building, demonstration corridors with incentive fund program and road safety monitoring and evaluation. The initiative helped to achieve 35% reduction of fatalities in selected pilot corridors, 12% reduction in the national road traffic death rate, increase in seat belt and helmet usage rates etc. |
Increasing Road Safety Investments in Addis Ababa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | GRSF funded iRAP assessment of Tulu Dimtu – Kality Interchange Road in Ethiopia led to led to an investment of $17.5 million in interventions. Each $1 of GRSF investment resulted in $80 additional for road safety in Addis Ababa. |
Intersection speed zones | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Intersection Speed Zones are used to improve the safety at rural intersections along high-speed roads. They detect when a driver is approaching on a side road and activate an electronic Variable Speed Limit sign to temporarily show a lower speed limit on the main road. Looking at the ten sites installed in the first trial, in the years after installation compared to the five years before: total crashes reduced by 28%; fatal and serious crashes reduced by 69%. |
Kazakhstan Safe Villages and Education | EASST, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) | In July 2016, in conjunction with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development’s South West Corridor Road Rehabilitation Project in the Martuk region of Aktobe, Kazakhstan, EASST Expertise consultants delivered a Safe Villages and Education Campaign in the local area where road improvement works had taken place. |
Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust (KRSD Trust), with the support of iRAP and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, has been working with the school and community leaders to improve road safety. The work of KRSD Trust and iRAP Star Rating for Schools to improve road safety for Lea Primary School students has been profiled in a moving video |
Kyrgyzstan, Safe and Sustainable Streets | EASST | A targeted campaign was implemented between May-September to inform and urge the public to use seat belts and child car seats. The results revealed an increase in the number of drivers and front passengers choosing a safe ride by buckling up, and a significant increase (160% from the baseline) in the use of seat belts in the back seat |
Maintenance and basic improvements to SS 51 di Alemagna | EuroRAP | The case study shows a reduction in risk after implementation of maintenance and some additional measures added during that process. |
Maintenance improvements to road sections of A6, A8, A9, D8 | EuroRAP | iRAP assessment results of selected Croatian TEN-T roads are presented in this case study. The study shows that implementation of maintenance-only remedies such as delineation improvement, clearance of roadside hazards or replacement/modification/installation of roadside barriers improved the Star Rating by 1 to 2 stars. |
Making Vehicle Inspections Count in Cameroon | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Assessment of Vehicle Inspection Systems (AVIS) project is undertaken by GRSF and CITA with a view to upgrade vehicle inspections. The main objective of the project is to identify systems for vehicle inspection and approval, and to propose an improvement strategy to make vehicles safer and travel more efficient. Global objective of the AVIS projects is to carry out audits of vehicle inspection systems in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon is the second country to benefit from such an audit. |
Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway-55 in Gujarat | World Bank | This case study presents the improvement in Star Rating after upgradation of Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway in Gujarat, India. Treatments such as Duplication (2 to 4 laning), median safety barriers, intersection improvements, pedestrian crossing facilities, curve delineation etc. were implemented. |
Mexico’s National Network | Secretariat for Communications and Transport (SCT) | Mexico systematically Star Rated their road network in 2012, investing millions of pesos in iRAP recommended road upgrades.They resurveyed the network in 2015 to evaluate the success of their investment. The results highlighted that 17% of the 42,801km road network was lifted from only a 1 or 2-star level to 3-star or better. |
More schools in Mogale City to benefit from road safety project | South African Road Federation (SARF) | Working with our partners, we developed a Road Safety Risk Assessment Model, which includes a Road Safety Risk Index, to prioritise schools where the risk for accidents is high. We made use of the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) App to measure the road environment, road type, road features, school zone, sidewalks, crossings, flow of vehicles and pedestrians as well as intersections. To measure speed around the schools, we used a hand-held speed gun. Using these tools, we undertook a risk assessment of 50 schools in Mogale City. Those with the highest road safety risk were selected for the project. These included Athlolong primary school, Lengau primary school, Mosupatsela secondary school, Tsholetsega public school, WD Oliphant primary school and Bosele intermediary school. For each school, we looked at a surrounding radius of roughly one kilometre because some children have to cross major roads to get to school. Infrastructure, signage and road markings were also considered. Then, we implemented infrastructure upgrades and speed reduction tactics. These interventions took place alongside road safety education, law enforcement and data management. We also aimed to eliminate hazardous locations and mitigate risk |
Motorway A3, from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka | EuroRAP | This case study concerns the Zagreb bypass, motorway A3 section from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka where a Star Rating for Design Plans has been conducted. |
Mumbai – Pune Expressway Road Accident Study | JP Research India (JPRI) | JP Research India (JPRI) undertook a detailed 12-month crash investigation study on Mumbai – Pune Expressway in India. During the 12-month study period, in-depth investigations 214 crashes on the 94km expressway were conducted in a scientific manner involving detailed examination of the crash scene, crash vehicles and the injuries sustained by the victims. The study revealed that 63% of crashes on the expressway involved trucks. Cars and trucks are the most affected road user types in the collisions. |
N-IV (CH. 558+500 – CH. 566+500, Seville) | Spanish National Government | The case study involves the upgrading of a remaining single carriageway section to dual carriageway. The SR4D carried out will improve the road safety rating substantially and the Star Ratings will be increased by at least two stars for car occupants and for bicyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
National programme efficacy | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. This case study describes the reduction in fatalities and serious injuries resulting from the implementation of 2+1 with wire rope barrier. |
National Road 51 | EuroRAP | This case study describes the potential benefits of implementation of 2 + 1 road with barrier on part of National Road 51 in Greece. |
NR-7 Road (Asprohoma) | EuroRAP | The case study shows how a traditional crash “before and after” study on part of a network may be informed and enriched by the use of complementary iRAP data. |
Observing pedestrian-vehicle traffic conflicts in school zones to evaluate the effectiveness of road safety interventions and reduce injuries in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico, 2019-2021 | Amend, Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC), FIA Foundation, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) | Three non-governmental organizations in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico applied three Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT) to collect pre and post intervention traffic conflict data. |
Pedestrian Refuges, Bicycle Lanes, Delineation and One-way Road | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Railway Parade Road in Sydney, Australia. Treatments such as pedestrian crossing facilities, intersection improvements, road delineation, on-road bicycle lane etc. were implemented. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the treatments have helped to create a safer environment for all road users. | |
Por Amor – Costa Rica’s Seat Belt Campaign | FIA Foundation | ‘Por Amor Seat Belt Campaign’ was a pilot project in Costa Rica based on the principles of ‘best practice’ developed in the FIA Foundation seat belt toolkit, which identifies the best methods to raise levels of seat belt usage. The target of the campaign was to achieve a seat belt wearing rate of 70%. |
Preventing aquaplaning phenomenon through technical solutions | Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania | The aquaplaning of a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water appears between the wheels of the vehicle and the road surface. The paper places emphasis on the significance of constructing a good quality pavement-structure wearing course, its influence on traffic safety, and the correlation between geometric properties of road elements and the aquaplaning phenomenon. |
R1 Trnava – Nitra | Slovak National Motorway Company (NDS) | Baseline iRAP assessment of R1 Trnava – Nitra motorway in Slovakia showed that more than 90% of the road length achieved only 1 & 2-star. After implementation of financially feasible countermeasures such as roadside safety barriers, shoulder rumble strips, road markings, signages etc. the 1-star sections were completely eliminated, and the road achieved 3-star or better rating for 42% of the length. |
Raised safety platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Raised safety platforms make it physically uncomfortable to drive over the platform faster than the advisory speed. When used at intersections they can take the form of approach platforms just prior to the intersection, or the whole intersection can be raised. International research has shown Raised Safety Platforms reduce death and serious injuries by about 40%. |
Raised Safety Platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), Safe System Solutions | Raised Safety Platforms (RSPs) are elevated sections of road that aim to reduce vehicle speedson the approach to areas of higher risk, such as intersections. |
RAP Partnerships Saving Lives: Great Britain | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | In Britain, there were more than 153,158 reported road casualties in 2019. Societal costs equate to 1.7% of Gross Domestic Product. The Road Safety Foundation (RSF), as the voice of EuroRAP in the UK, systematically measures and maps 53,000km of motorways and A roads each year to performance track the safety of Britain’s roads. Financial support for this is provided by Ageas (UK) Limited. RSF also works closely with Highways England, the Department for Transport (DfT) and local partners to drive an important focus on road network safety, 3-star |
Reducing Traffic Accidents in China – Strengthening the Use of Road Safety Audits | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This case study reviews the specific role of road safety audits, a formal examination of the crash potential and safety performance of a future or existing road or traffic project. |
Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads (RADAR) | European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA) | The 3-year Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads (RADAR) project is being run by the Slovenia-based European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA). It involves 10 Project Partners and 12 Associated Strategic Partners as well as two international organisations South East Europe Transport Observatory and the European Union Strategy for Danube Region (Priority 1b – Rail-Road-Air Mobility). |
Road No. 21, Vanneberga | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | The case study deals with how improvements to roads and roadsides can reduce serious injury and in particular the use of the 2+1 with wire rope median as used in Sweden and an example on Road No. 21 near Vanneberga in the south of that country. |
Road Safety – Catalogue Of Case Studies | World Road Association (PIARC) | PIARC Case Studies Catalogue contains the description of a set of interventions designed, implemented and operated worldwide to improve road safety in three specific fields: Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), Human Factors (HF) and interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) |
Road Safety & Juniors Paving The Way For A Safer Tomorrow | Government of Haryana, Trax | Government of Haryana, MG Motor and TRAX are developing a safer culture around schools through road upgrades, research and training involving students, teachers and the community, supported by SR4S. |
Road safety action pays off, and “demonstration corridors” are here to prove it | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank | The 138.6-km-long Kadapa to Renigunta safety demonstration corridor was implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project (APTRSP). Locations where curves and junctions were improved saw a 53% reduction in road crashes and 42% reduction in fatalities. Approximately $5 million was invested in the demonstration (around $36,000/km). |
Road Safety Barriers for Open Roads in Nepal | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), UK Aid | Several critical road sections in Nepal were identified under World Bank Road Sector Development Project (RSDP). GRSF with funding from UK Aid supported installation of 73,000m crash barriers along some of the deadliest roads in the country and this is expected to save up to 3,456 lives over the next 20 years. |
Road Safety Data Assessment in Viet Nam for the establishment of a National Road Safety Observatory | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The World Bank has been assisting the Government of Viet Nam (GoVN), through the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), to establish a National Road Safety Observatory (NRSO) for Viet Nam, improve road safety data systems, and update the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan for Viet Nam. |
Road Safety Data Review in Cambodia – Summary Note | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This project follows up on a previous twinning project between Cambodia and the Netherlands, undertaken in the framework of the International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) group of ITF in 2010-2014. That project concerned both a review of the Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS), and training and support to develop a national road safety strategy and related indicators. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for Samoa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) is an activity within a broader Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA), which aims to gain a holistic and thorough understanding of the road safety management capacity of three selected Pacific Island Countries (PICs)—Samoa, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu—in order to support their respective governments to develop national strategies and plans of action to improve road safety outcomes, with a focus on crash data management. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for the Solomon Islands | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Solomon Island Government road safety management capacity in order to support the country’s development of a national strategy and plan of action to improve road safety outcomes, and subsequently implement those actions effectively. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for Vanuatu | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Government of Vanuatu’s road safety management capacity to support its plans to improve road safety outcomes throughout the country. |
Road Traffic Injuries in Malawi: With Special Focus on the Role of Alcohol | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The objective of this study was to generate new knowledge about road traffic injuries in Malawi and the extent of traffic accidents related to alcohol use, to increase capacity to conduct alcohol-testing, and develop a database for the findings, which in turn will form the basis for future policy making to reduce traffic accidents. |
Rural road and motorway profiles | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) | This case study shows some of the detail behind the iRAP Demonstrator and shows four examples from a suite of 15 sample 3-D designs. In these examples the rationale is explained for why low-standard examples of the rural roads and motorways rate less well for safety that their higher-standard equivalents. |
Rural roundabouts | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A number of rural roundabouts have been installed at high speed main road intersections in Waikato and Auckland to address serious crash concerns.The fatal and serious crashes, and deaths and serious injury equivalents (the estimated number of deaths and injuries), have reduced by 75%. |
Safe Latin American Children in Traffic Program | Gonzalo Rodríguez | “Safe Latin American Children in Traffic” program is funded by the FIA Foundation with an aim to reduce risk factors associated to car crashes involving children, paying special attention to school zones. The project uses iRAP’s Star Rating for School and observational approach to assess school zones. |
Safer Road Design for LBS Marg in Mumbai | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study presents the improvements made for pedestrian infrastructure on LBS Marg in Mumbai which has been developed as a safety demonstration corridor under the BIGRS. |
Safety at heart of urban road concession design | Sociedad Concesionaria Vespucio Oriente SA | Designs for the Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession in Chile, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America, have been assessed and improved using the iRAP Star Rating methodology prior to its commission in 2022 |
Safety Improvement for National Highway G109 | iRAP | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on a 96km stretch of National Highway G109 in Beijing, China. Several treatments and upgrades were implemented on the section at an overall cost of 1.4 million dollars. |
Sakhalin Seatbelt Campaign, Russia | Sakhalin Road Safety Partnership | Seatbelt campaign through publicity and enforcement in Sakhalin Island, Russia has shown significant improvement in compliance. Campaign used media outlets such as television, radio, billboards, internet etc. along with enforcement. Success measurement using video sampling revealed that seatbelt wearing rate increased from 3-4% to 80%. |
Samoa Central Cross Island Road Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Land Transport Authority (LTA), SMEC | The Central Cross Island Road (CCIR) is one of Samoa’s most critical arterials. It stretches 22 km with 20km upgrade providing access to 8 villiages, 7,000 residents and hundreds of businesses between the capital, Apia, and the island’s south. It is an important alternative route for cyclone evacuation and post-disaster relief. Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) enabled improvements prior to construction, increasing the 3-star road length for vehicle occupants from 23% to 73% |
Saving lives with car seats in the Philippines | Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) | With the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, we at GHAI joined international partners, including the World Health Organization and the Global Road Safety Partnership, to support a small group of non-governmental organizations in the Philippines who identified the need for legislation that promoted road safety, specifically protecting children on the road. |
School Zone Safety Improvement using SR4S | Government of Haryana, Trax | Case study presents the pedestrian facilities implemented around selected schools in Haryana, India. |
SE-30 Highway, Centennial Bridge | Spanish National Government | The case study involves adding a lane and providing a median barrier and assessing the impact of this under different traffic conditions. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard on and around the Centennial Bridge will have been improved significantly, and the Star Ratings increased by 1 or 2 stars in the different scenarios. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
SE-40 (CH. 0+000 – CH. 41+300, Seville) | Spanish National Government | This case study involves an assessment of the safety and influence of a bypass, including one section built in a tunnel. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard will have been improved substantially, and the Star Ratings were increased for car occupants and motorcyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
Slow Zones, Safe Zones in pilot project in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation | Two pilot schools (Phan Dang Luu school and Nguyen Luong Bang school) were selected to receive infrastructure upgrades, speed reductions and education awareness campaign. |
Speed management in Philippines | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), UN Road Safety Fund | The UNRSF project trained more than 170 speed enforcers in best-practice speed enforcement, supported high-level officials in developing speed enforcement plans, and raised awareness among more than 75,000 people through social media engagement on the importance of appropriate speeds. |
Speed Variation Analysis: A Case Study for Thailand’s Roads | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The importance of speed in influencing road user risk is highlighted in two case studies on different road types in Thailand — the Outer Ring Road and Hathai Rat Road in Bangkok — to demonstrate the effects of different speeds on the iRAP Star Ratings. |
Speeding Campaign: “COVID-19 Speeding” in Brazil | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Vital Strategies | Driving is down, but speeding, especially among motorcyclists, is up during the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil. To address this, the city of Salvador launched a mass media campaign in May 2021 with doctor testimonials calling on riders to obey the speed limit, paired with increased enforcement operations. |
SS 114 Orientale Sicula | EuroRAP | The case study concerns an intervention carried out to upgrade an intersection on SS 114 Orientale Sicula in Italy. After the intersection was upgrades as a roundabout, a 77% percentage reduction was observed in the average annual number of injuries. |
SS 13 Pontebbana | EuroRAP | The improvement of 3 high-risk intersections on SS 13 Pontebbana in Italy showed a 38% reduction in the number of crashes. 2 intersections were upgraded as roundabouts and 1 was provided with channelization and lighting. The improvements proved to be economically viable in terms of savings in social cost with a benefit to cost ratio of 1.27. |
SS 45 (Genova – Piacenza) | EuroRAP | In this Case Study, the Star Rating for Designs process is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road location can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. These measures will increase the Star Ratings from 1 to 3 or 4-star for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists and from 1- to 2- or 3-star for bicyclists. |
Supporting Road Safety Interventions and Building Sustainability in China | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | A series of World Bank-financed projects in China were benefitted from BIGRS 2015-2019. Under this initiative, several urban and rural roads in the country were iRAP assessed and investment plans were produced for implementation. |
Sustainable Road Safety Outcomes in Brazil | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | Under BIGRS 2015-2019, 371 km of roads were surveyed and assessed in Fortaleza and São Paulo. The suggested investment plans for the cities would prevent 15,900+ potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years. Assessments made under the Bloomberg Initiative enabled early dissemination of the iRAP methodology in the state of São Paulo. |
Swedish 2+1 with wire rope median | EuroRAP, iRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single-carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. Many existing single-carriageway road sections in Sweden have been provided with a wire rope safety fence to separate opposing vehicles, thereby effectively making them dual-carriageways, mostly within the existing roadspace required for a single-carriageway. Results from the before and after studies show a number of significant effects, with number of fatalities and seriously injured often decreasing by 50%. |
The Coast Road Median Barrier | Transit New Zealand | Installation of median barriers on a 3.4km Coast Road section of State Highway 1 helped in significant reduction of fatal and serious injury crashes. 5-year crash data after barrier installation in comparison to previous 5 years show that fatal crashes dropped from 7 to 0 and serious injury crashes dropped from 3 to 1. Post improvement surveillance footage showed improvement in driver behaviour and confidence levels. |
The Influence of Road Materials Characteristics on Road Safety | Alina Burlacu | Aspects such as skid-resistance, permeability, and evenness influence road safety. This study shows that by varying the source of pavement materials alone, stopping sight distance can differ with up to 20 meters. |
Tribal Road Safety Audits: Case Studies | US Department of Transport Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) | Information for the case studies reported in this document was gathered during a series of four RSAs conducted throughout the United States in 2005 and 2006, involving tribal transportation agencies of the Standing Rock Sioux, Santa Clara Pueblo, Jemez Pueblo, and Navajo Nation. |
Using the Power of a Public Opinion Poll + Digital Advocacy to Accelerate Road Safety Legislation in India | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | Since 2013, the SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF), an organisation focused on improving road safety and emergency care across India, has worked to pressure policy makers to develop a comprehensive road safety law that would provide safer streets for drivers and pedestrians. |
Wuhan Implements Model Junction Channelisation for Pedestrians | World Bank | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented to improve the safety of pedestrians at intersections under the Wuhan Urban Transport Project (WUTP). A model junction with treatments such as physical channelisation with pedestrian refuge, multi-phase traffic and pedestrian signal etc. was developed to illustrate the benefits to road agencies. |
Safer People Treatments
Case Studies related to Safer People Treatments
Related Case Studies | Project Leads | Description |
Amend and Zoleka Mandela Cut the Ribbon on Lifesaving Infrastructure in Accra, Ghana | Amend | In March, 2020, Zoleka Mandela joined Amend at Oblogo Schools in Accra, Ghana – where recently two children have been killed and many injured in traffic – to cut the ribbon on lifesaving infrastructure. |
Análisis de conflictos viales: metodología y resultados en el entorno escolar de BINE, Puebla | Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC) | An intersection adjacent to the Benemérito Instituto Nacional del Estado (BINE), was improved with low-cost infrastructure widening the pedestrian spaces through the implementation of bollards and markings, which reduced pedestrian crossing, reduced the exposure time of pedestrians crossing the road and rearranged the parking area. The intervention led to a 69% decrease in road conflicts compared to the situation before the intervention, and a star rating increase from 1 to 3 stars. |
Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway-20 in Karnataka | World Bank | Case study presents the infrastructure improvements and the resultant reduction in crashes on Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway in Karnataka, India. Implementation of treatments such as intersection improvements, 2+1 lanes, pedestrian crossing facilities, roadside safety barriers, speed calming etc. showed significant improvement in Star Rating and over 50% reduction in fatalities. |
Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies | Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), City of Buenos Aires, City of Fortaleza, City of Rotterdam, New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), Transport for London (TfL) | These case studies from Bogotá, Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Rotterdam and London illustrate the diversity of approaches available to better understand and prevent serious road crashes in cities. They also include experiences of developing reliable traffic injury data, enforcing speed limits, implementing safer street design, and predicting and preventing road crashes. Each case study exemplifies best practice in one or more of the areas examined. |
Better Data for Safer Roads in the Philippines: New legislation supporting nation-wide scale up of DRIVER in the Philippines | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | The Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation and Reporting System (DRIVER) was integrated into the daily workflow of Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2020 through a legislation. Effective monitoring and trainings were established in regional, provincial, district and city levels to ensure faithful compliance. This is another strong milestone in establishing DRIVERS as the national crash data collection system in the Philippines. |
Building Momentum for Seat-Belt Laws in Turkey | Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS) | In 2012, Turkey’s Prime Minister launched the Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. This important government strategy set a goal of increasing seat-belt use from 44% to 70% in urban areas and 76% to 90% in suburban areas by 2015, and 80% and 100%, respectively, by 2020. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through press conferences and collaborating with partners to create a civil society declaration. |
Child-Centering Road Safety: Making Sure It Works for Girls and Boys | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Shaanxi Provincial Department of Transportation | From 2015–2020, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) supported a project in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that made system-wide improvements to road safety,(link is external) including infrastructure, institutional strengthening, and education interventions. Child-centered and participatory methodologies were used in three primary schools and their communities along #102 Provincial Highway in Xunyang County, South Shaanxi. |
Collection of reports on the investigation of severe road crashes in the web site of France’s Bureau of Investigation for Accidents of Surface Transports | Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau | The land transport accident investigation bureau (BEA-TT) performs technical investigations into serious crashes to prevent similar occurrences. |
Creating and Implementing a Plan for Child Helmet Use in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Through careful research and planning and working closely with the government, by a coalition initiated by the AIP Foundation, within one year helmet wearing has significantly increased. This Case Study’s tactics include drafting an action plan, coalition building, identifying and engaging key champions, launching a public awareness campaign, creating and distributing a school manuals, engaging with traditional media, and monitoring implementation. |
Effect of the helmet act for motorcyclists in Thailand | Government of Thailand | After enforcement of the helmet act, helmet-wearers increased five-fold while head injuries decreased by 41.4% and deaths by 20.8%. Those who had head or neck injuries or died were less likely wearing a helmet. |
Effectively Reducing the Number of Drink Drivers | Mexican Red Cross Society (MRCS) | The Mexican Red Cross Society teamed up with the local police in Guanajuato, Mexico to help garner public support and increase legitimacy for drink driving enforcement checkpoints. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through a kick-off meeting, utilizing volunteers to help convey the road safety message, and creating partnerships to bolster effectiveness. |
Final evaluation of 80 km/h speed limit on single carriageway roads outside built-up areas in France | Cerema | To support a national target of a 50% reduction in road fatalities, speed limits on two-way rural roads with no central separator in mainland France. The initiative resulted in significant reductions in serious trauma and overall socio-economic benefits of more than EUR 700 million per year. |
Forming a Coalition to Bring Attention to E-Bike Regulation in | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | To help bring awareness and attention on the need for e-bike regulation, road safety advocates created the Tianjin Road Safety Alliance. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through awareness events, hosting joint media events and walk-a-thons, as well as, gathering and sharing data within a coalition. |
From Legislation to Implementation in Cambodia | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | In late 2014, after several years of discussion between advocates and the government, the Cambodian government passed comprehensive road traffic legislation. Tactics in this Case Study include: fostering partnerships, coordinating with other road safety activists, working closely with the government to commit funds for implementation, and conducting trainings and workshops on road safety. |
Head First: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Motorcycle Helmet Campaign | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Published to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Vietnam’s 2007 introduction of a universal helmet law, ‘Head First’ details the decade-long campaign to secure the legislations, and the decade-long implementation effort since. |
Human lives need not be lost in road crashes—much less at current levels | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Karnataka, World Bank | The project supported the adoption of a whole-of-government programmatic approach to road safety, with activities focused on every stage: policy, planning, design, construction, and operation. The results have been striking: fatalities and injuries along the Belagavi – Yaragatti (62 km) State Highway corridor, that piloted the approach, were reduced by more than 50%. Approximately $9 million was invested, including approximately $6 million wo for safer infrastructure (~($100,000/km). |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities Around Ied Rodrigo Lara Bonilla | Bogota Mobility Secretariat | In 2018, as part of the city’s Vision Zero approach, the Bogota Mobility Secretariat launched their 2,000th safe school zone, around the IED Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Public School in Ciudad Bolivar.As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), in partnership with the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and NACTO-GDCI, the Mobility Secretariat started a pilot project in the area. The countermeasures were first tested with temporary materials to verify their impact. Cones and plants were introduced… |
Improving road safety through speed management in Accra | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | With the support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIRGS) 2015-2019, pedestrian footbridges, new speed limits, crosswalks, and installation of traffic lights were completed in an effort to make roads safer in Ghana. The BIGRS initiative surveyed and assessed 260 km of roads in In Accra; completed 74 km of construction based on iRAP survey recommendations; trained 164 professionals on road safety; which could prevent over 5,243 potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years |
Improving road safety through speed management in Bogotá | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), City of Bogotá, Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), iRAP | In Bogotá, a network of approximately 200 km of roads has been assessed for road safety risks in the BIGRS program. The results show that over 40% of this network has an iRAP star rating of 1 or 2 for bicyclists, and over 60% is 1 or 2 stars for pedestrians. Scenarios tested using iRAP, along with input from the BIGRS partnership, showed significant safety benefits from reducing the speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h in key arterial roads… |
Increasing Road Safety in Argentina | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | A $38.5 million road safety initiative was launched in Argentina by the World Bank to reduce road traffic injuries, crashes and fatalities. The components of the initiative include institutional capacity-building, demonstration corridors with incentive fund program and road safety monitoring and evaluation. The initiative helped to achieve 35% reduction of fatalities in selected pilot corridors, 12% reduction in the national road traffic death rate, increase in seat belt and helmet usage rates etc. |
Kazakhstan Safe Villages and Education | EASST, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) | In July 2016, in conjunction with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development’s South West Corridor Road Rehabilitation Project in the Martuk region of Aktobe, Kazakhstan, EASST Expertise consultants delivered a Safe Villages and Education Campaign in the local area where road improvement works had taken place. |
Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust (KRSD Trust), with the support of iRAP and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, has been working with the school and community leaders to improve road safety. The work of KRSD Trust and iRAP Star Rating for Schools to improve road safety for Lea Primary School students has been profiled in a moving video |
Kyrgyzstan, Safe and Sustainable Streets | EASST | A targeted campaign was implemented between May-September to inform and urge the public to use seat belts and child car seats. The results revealed an increase in the number of drivers and front passengers choosing a safe ride by buckling up, and a significant increase (160% from the baseline) in the use of seat belts in the back seat |
More schools in Mogale City to benefit from road safety project | South African Road Federation (SARF) | Working with our partners, we developed a Road Safety Risk Assessment Model, which includes a Road Safety Risk Index, to prioritise schools where the risk for accidents is high. We made use of the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) App to measure the road environment, road type, road features, school zone, sidewalks, crossings, flow of vehicles and pedestrians as well as intersections. To measure speed around the schools, we used a hand-held speed gun. Using these tools, we undertook a risk assessment of 50 schools in Mogale City. Those with the highest road safety risk were selected for the project. These included Athlolong primary school, Lengau primary school, Mosupatsela secondary school, Tsholetsega public school, WD Oliphant primary school and Bosele intermediary school. For each school, we looked at a surrounding radius of roughly one kilometre because some children have to cross major roads to get to school. Infrastructure, signage and road markings were also considered. Then, we implemented infrastructure upgrades and speed reduction tactics. These interventions took place alongside road safety education, law enforcement and data management. We also aimed to eliminate hazardous locations and mitigate risk |
Mumbai – Pune Expressway Road Accident Study | JP Research India (JPRI) | JP Research India (JPRI) undertook a detailed 12-month crash investigation study on Mumbai – Pune Expressway in India. During the 12-month study period, in-depth investigations 214 crashes on the 94km expressway were conducted in a scientific manner involving detailed examination of the crash scene, crash vehicles and the injuries sustained by the victims. The study revealed that 63% of crashes on the expressway involved trucks. Cars and trucks are the most affected road user types in the collisions. |
Observing pedestrian-vehicle traffic conflicts in school zones to evaluate the effectiveness of road safety interventions and reduce injuries in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico, 2019-2021 | Amend, Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC), FIA Foundation, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) | Three non-governmental organizations in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico applied three Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT) to collect pre and post intervention traffic conflict data. |
Por Amor – Costa Rica’s Seat Belt Campaign | FIA Foundation | ‘Por Amor Seat Belt Campaign’ was a pilot project in Costa Rica based on the principles of ‘best practice’ developed in the FIA Foundation seat belt toolkit, which identifies the best methods to raise levels of seat belt usage. The target of the campaign was to achieve a seat belt wearing rate of 70%. |
Road safety action pays off, and “demonstration corridors” are here to prove it | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank | The 138.6-km-long Kadapa to Renigunta safety demonstration corridor was implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project (APTRSP). Locations where curves and junctions were improved saw a 53% reduction in road crashes and 42% reduction in fatalities. Approximately $5 million was invested in the demonstration (around $36,000/km). |
Road Traffic Injuries in Malawi: With Special Focus on the Role of Alcohol | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The objective of this study was to generate new knowledge about road traffic injuries in Malawi and the extent of traffic accidents related to alcohol use, to increase capacity to conduct alcohol-testing, and develop a database for the findings, which in turn will form the basis for future policy making to reduce traffic accidents. |
Safety Improvement for National Highway G109 | iRAP | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on a 96km stretch of National Highway G109 in Beijing, China. Several treatments and upgrades were implemented on the section at an overall cost of 1.4 million dollars. |
Sakhalin Seatbelt Campaign, Russia | Sakhalin Road Safety Partnership | Seatbelt campaign through publicity and enforcement in Sakhalin Island, Russia has shown significant improvement in compliance. Campaign used media outlets such as television, radio, billboards, internet etc. along with enforcement. Success measurement using video sampling revealed that seatbelt wearing rate increased from 3-4% to 80%. |
Saving lives with car seats in the Philippines | Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) | With the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, we at GHAI joined international partners, including the World Health Organization and the Global Road Safety Partnership, to support a small group of non-governmental organizations in the Philippines who identified the need for legislation that promoted road safety, specifically protecting children on the road. |
School Zone Safety Improvement using SR4S | Government of Haryana, Trax | Case study presents the pedestrian facilities implemented around selected schools in Haryana, India. |
Slow Zones, Safe Zones in pilot project in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation | Two pilot schools (Phan Dang Luu school and Nguyen Luong Bang school) were selected to receive infrastructure upgrades, speed reductions and education awareness campaign. |
Speed management in Philippines | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), UN Road Safety Fund | The UNRSF project trained more than 170 speed enforcers in best-practice speed enforcement, supported high-level officials in developing speed enforcement plans, and raised awareness among more than 75,000 people through social media engagement on the importance of appropriate speeds. |
Speed Variation Analysis: A Case Study for Thailand’s Roads | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The importance of speed in influencing road user risk is highlighted in two case studies on different road types in Thailand — the Outer Ring Road and Hathai Rat Road in Bangkok — to demonstrate the effects of different speeds on the iRAP Star Ratings. |
Speeding Campaign: “COVID-19 Speeding” in Brazil | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Vital Strategies | Driving is down, but speeding, especially among motorcyclists, is up during the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil. To address this, the city of Salvador launched a mass media campaign in May 2021 with doctor testimonials calling on riders to obey the speed limit, paired with increased enforcement operations. |
Safer Road Treatments
Case Studies related to Safer Road Treatments
Related Case Studies | Project Leads | Description |
A-375 Road | Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain) | This case study describes the reduction in number of head-on and run-off crashes on A-375 road in Spain after implementation of central line rumble strips. |
A-4 Highway | Spanish National Government | This case study describes the improvement in Star Rating after implementation of safety barriers on selected section of A-4 highway in Spain. Star Rating improved from 3-star to 4-star for vehicle occupants and from 1-star to 2-star for motorcyclists. |
A404 Amersham | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | This case study describes the upgrades that were implemented on Britain’s most improved road as reported in the British EuroRAP Risk Mapping Results 2014. The upgrades have improved the Star Ratings to 39% 2-star, 28% 3-star and 33% 4-star for this road user group. For pedestrians the upgrades have seen the Star Ratings improve from 17% 2-star, 62% 3-star and 21% 4-star to 56% 3-star and 44% 4-star with the 2-star sections eliminated… |
Amend and Zoleka Mandela Cut the Ribbon on Lifesaving Infrastructure in Accra, Ghana | Amend | In March, 2020, Zoleka Mandela joined Amend at Oblogo Schools in Accra, Ghana – where recently two children have been killed and many injured in traffic – to cut the ribbon on lifesaving infrastructure. |
America’s Best New Bikeways of 2020 | People for Bikes | These projects make biking more useful, more beautiful and more welcoming to all riders. With careful planning and smart construction, cities relied on support from residents to expand access to completely connected, comfortable mobility networks, allowing people on bikes or on foot to travel safely throughout their community. |
Análisis de conflictos viales: metodología y resultados en el entorno escolar de BINE, Puebla | Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC) | An intersection adjacent to the Benemérito Instituto Nacional del Estado (BINE), was improved with low-cost infrastructure widening the pedestrian spaces through the implementation of bollards and markings, which reduced pedestrian crossing, reduced the exposure time of pedestrians crossing the road and rearranged the parking area. The intervention led to a 69% decrease in road conflicts compared to the situation before the intervention, and a star rating increase from 1 to 3 stars. |
Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway-20 in Karnataka | World Bank | Case study presents the infrastructure improvements and the resultant reduction in crashes on Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway in Karnataka, India. Implementation of treatments such as intersection improvements, 2+1 lanes, pedestrian crossing facilities, roadside safety barriers, speed calming etc. showed significant improvement in Star Rating and over 50% reduction in fatalities. |
Belize City to Belmopan Road Safety Improvements | Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)Government of Belize | Upgrades to the demonstration corridor, informed by iRAP’s recommendations led to: improved safety performance of the road from 5% 3-star or better to 100% 3-star or better; fatality reductions from 33 deaths a year to a 5-year average of 8. |
Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies | Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), City of Buenos Aires, City of Fortaleza, City of Rotterdam, New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), Transport for London (TfL) | These case studies from Bogotá, Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Rotterdam and London illustrate the diversity of approaches available to better understand and prevent serious road crashes in cities. They also include experiences of developing reliable traffic injury data, enforcing speed limits, implementing safer street design, and predicting and preventing road crashes. Each case study exemplifies best practice in one or more of the areas examined. |
Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System – Case Studies | Bikesafe | A series of case studies that illustrate various treatments and/or programs as implemented in a USA state or municipality. |
Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra) Upgrade | Australian Government, Queensland Government | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Cooroy to Curra section of Bruce Highway. A new 12km, 4-lane divided highway with safety barriers, grade separated interchange, etc. was delivered through an investment of AUD$513 million. Comparison of the reported crash data on the old Bruce Highway to the new alignment show an 82% reduction in fatal and serious injuries (FSIs). |
Building safer roads through better design and better contracts | Government of Tamil Nadu, World Bank | This road sector project in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu shows how relatively simple and affordable design improvements can make roads significantly safer, and bring other important benefits such as enhanced drainage and water conservation. Facilities installed had combined increased construction costs by only about 10% ($100,000 per km)—a worthwhile investment in light of the safety and operational benefits. It is estimated that deaths fell by around 31% after facilities were installed. |
Collection of reports on the investigation of severe road crashes in the web site of France’s Bureau of Investigation for Accidents of Surface Transports | Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau | The land transport accident investigation bureau (BEA-TT) performs technical investigations into serious crashes to prevent similar occurrences. |
Corridor C-12 Road | Catalan government | C-12 is a single carriageway road, without median separation, and has relatively high operating speed and moderate curves. The study shows a comparison of baseline Star Rating with the achievable Star Rating by implementing the suggested investment plan and a scenario to provide 2+1 lane configuration with median barrier throughout. |
Corridor C-55 / C-58 | Catalan government | This case study describes the benefits of implementation of median barrier along a highspeed road segment which recorded and high number of fatal crashes. iRAP Star Rating increased from 2-star to 3-star on the sections of road where median barrier was installed. Fatal and serious injuries in the three years after implementation were almost half the number in the three years before. The number of fatalities was reduced from 16 to 1. |
Creating Spaces for Kids in Istanbul: The Transformation of Zümrütevler Square | Maltepe Municipality, NACTO-GDCI | This case study discusses the transformation of Zümrütevler Square in Istanbul. Unorganised parking space in the square has been converted into children’s play area and space for pedestrians. |
Cross-sections and mid-block National Road M2-R7 Saratenii-Soroca-Drochia Junction | Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC) | This case study focuses on the influence that elements of design may have on the Star Rating Score (SRS), the values in the scale that determine which of the Star Rating bands (1-5, with 5 the safest) a road section may achieve. SRS scores reflect risk to individual road users, the higher the score the higher the risk. The case study shows the application of Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) in this process. Its shows how SR4D may assess the safety of the road and elements of the road before construction begins. |
CRTIP project | UNICEF and Safe Kids Worldwide | Child Road Traffic Injury Prevention (CRTIP) program aims to make roads safer for children in the Philippines by developing models for child road traffic safety programs, strengthening data collection and analysis, improving road safety laws and policies, enhancing multisectoral action for children’s safety, and improving road safety education for school children. As a pilot, 66 schools were assessed using SR4S and four school were upgraded. |
Cycle friendly traffic calming on the F3 cycle highway | Municipality of Herent | Where a road crosses a village, there is often limited space available between buildings. The reconstruction of Lodewijk van Veltemstraat in the municipality of Herent is an example how to provide continuous cycling infrastructure in such case. |
E75 (NR-90, CH.182+400 – CH.184+600) | EuroRAP | In this case study, the Star Rating for Designs is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road section can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. It is also proved that it is not mandatory to rely upon crash data to demonstrate a potential safety improvement. |
El Salvador’s Coastal Highway | Government of El Salvador, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) | A safer road design was achieved particularly for vulnerable road users, lifting the original design from a largely 1-2 Star Rating, to a 2-5 Star Rating. It also lead to a better understanding within the road authority of road safety design principles. |
Evaluation of Wide Centreline Treatment Effectiveness | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads | Wide centrelines increase separation of opposing traffic with painted lines up to 1 metre wide, often accompanied by audio-tactile linemarking. The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads implemented this treatment on selected sections of the Bruce Highway in 2011. This evaluation found that head on fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 30% and run off road fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 24%. |
Final evaluation of 80 km/h speed limit on single carriageway roads outside built-up areas in France | Cerema | To support a national target of a 50% reduction in road fatalities, speed limits on two-way rural roads with no central separator in mainland France. The initiative resulted in significant reductions in serious trauma and overall socio-economic benefits of more than EUR 700 million per year. |
Fortaleza Cares: Prioritizing Safer Access to Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital | Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital, Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), NACTO-GDCI, World Resources Institute (WRI) | Transforming the safety of the streets surrounding the hospital. This area, in Fortaleza, Brazil, is now equipped with safe pedestrian infrastructure that has reduced the number of people walking on the roadbed by 86%, and greatly improved accessibility to the hospital. |
Generic case of selecting sites for 2+1 with median barrier Road 4, south west of Debrecen – Ukraine border | EuroRAP | This case study has shown how iRAP Star Rating maps, Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIPs) and tools within the iRAP software platform ViDA maps may be used to guide site selection for 2+1 roads with median barrier in Hungary. |
High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Crash Reduction Program | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) | High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Program in Kentucky is one of the 2013 winners of The Annual National Roadway Safety Awards. Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) conducted a pilot program to improve skid resistance using high friction surfacing treatment (HFST) at 26 locations prone to run-off crashes. |
Human lives need not be lost in road crashes—much less at current levels | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Karnataka, World Bank | The project supported the adoption of a whole-of-government programmatic approach to road safety, with activities focused on every stage: policy, planning, design, construction, and operation. The results have been striking: fatalities and injuries along the Belagavi – Yaragatti (62 km) State Highway corridor, that piloted the approach, were reduced by more than 50%. Approximately $9 million was invested, including approximately $6 million wo for safer infrastructure (~($100,000/km). |
Illustrations of roads improved with safer infrastructure | World Bank | Illustrations with example images showing before and after Star Ratings of state highways in Gujarat and Kerala improved with safer infrastructure. |
Impact of reduction of posted speed limits | Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary | Speed reduction, pedestrians |
Implementing Road Safety Engineering Measures in Ho Chi Minh City | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study describes the upgrades implemented on the city roads of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which were assessed by iRAP under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). Based on iRAP and BIGRS partners recommendations, the local administration has implemented over 300 road safety engineering measures such as refuge islands, raised pedestrian crossings, footbridges etc. |
Improved Line Marking and Rumble Strips | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A 3-E’s (Education, Engineering & Enforcement) approach was undertaken to address the crashes on State Highway 1 in New Zealand. Engineering treatments such as 150mm double yellow profiled centreline marking, 150mm edgeline marking and 150mm wide ribs immediately outside of the edgeline were implemented on a 37km section out of the entire 200km project road. Fatal and serious injury crashes on this 37km section dropped by 67% after implementation of these measures… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities Around Ied Rodrigo Lara Bonilla | Bogota Mobility Secretariat | In 2018, as part of the city’s Vision Zero approach, the Bogota Mobility Secretariat launched their 2,000th safe school zone, around the IED Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Public School in Ciudad Bolivar.As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), in partnership with the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and NACTO-GDCI, the Mobility Secretariat started a pilot project in the area. The countermeasures were first tested with temporary materials to verify their impact. Cones and plants were introduced… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities At Shohada, Imam Ali & Azmoodeh Primary Schools | Global Alliance of NGOs, Road Safety Pioneers | Assessments were conducted around eight primary schools in Tehran and Mashhad using the SR4S app. Three schools were found to have a 1-star safety rating and were selected for the implementation of safety treatments. Treatments included the installation of delineation, speed bumps, road studs and an on-road thermoplastic school sign. SR4S was again used to assess the school zones post-construction. The result was an improvement to 3-stars for the Shohada School, 4-stars for the Imam Ali School and 2-stars for the Azmoodeh School. |
Improving road safety through speed management in Accra | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | With the support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIRGS) 2015-2019, pedestrian footbridges, new speed limits, crosswalks, and installation of traffic lights were completed in an effort to make roads safer in Ghana. The BIGRS initiative surveyed and assessed 260 km of roads in In Accra; completed 74 km of construction based on iRAP survey recommendations; trained 164 professionals on road safety; which could prevent over 5,243 potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years |
Improving road safety through speed management in Bogotá | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), City of Bogotá, Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), iRAP | In Bogotá, a network of approximately 200 km of roads has been assessed for road safety risks in the BIGRS program. The results show that over 40% of this network has an iRAP star rating of 1 or 2 for bicyclists, and over 60% is 1 or 2 stars for pedestrians. Scenarios tested using iRAP, along with input from the BIGRS partnership, showed significant safety benefits from reducing the speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h in key arterial roads… |
Increasing Road Safety Investments in Addis Ababa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | GRSF funded iRAP assessment of Tulu Dimtu – Kality Interchange Road in Ethiopia led to led to an investment of $17.5 million in interventions. Each $1 of GRSF investment resulted in $80 additional for road safety in Addis Ababa. |
Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust (KRSD Trust), with the support of iRAP and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, has been working with the school and community leaders to improve road safety. The work of KRSD Trust and iRAP Star Rating for Schools to improve road safety for Lea Primary School students has been profiled in a moving video |
Maintenance and basic improvements to SS 51 di Alemagna | EuroRAP | The case study shows a reduction in risk after implementation of maintenance and some additional measures added during that process. |
Maintenance improvements to road sections of A6, A8, A9, D8 | EuroRAP | iRAP assessment results of selected Croatian TEN-T roads are presented in this case study. The study shows that implementation of maintenance-only remedies such as delineation improvement, clearance of roadside hazards or replacement/modification/installation of roadside barriers improved the Star Rating by 1 to 2 stars. |
Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway-55 in Gujarat | World Bank | This case study presents the improvement in Star Rating after upgradation of Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway in Gujarat, India. Treatments such as Duplication (2 to 4 laning), median safety barriers, intersection improvements, pedestrian crossing facilities, curve delineation etc. were implemented. |
Mexico’s National Network | Secretariat for Communications and Transport (SCT) | Mexico systematically Star Rated their road network in 2012, investing millions of pesos in iRAP recommended road upgrades.They resurveyed the network in 2015 to evaluate the success of their investment. The results highlighted that 17% of the 42,801km road network was lifted from only a 1 or 2-star level to 3-star or better. |
More schools in Mogale City to benefit from road safety project | South African Road Federation (SARF) | Working with our partners, we developed a Road Safety Risk Assessment Model, which includes a Road Safety Risk Index, to prioritise schools where the risk for accidents is high. We made use of the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) App to measure the road environment, road type, road features, school zone, sidewalks, crossings, flow of vehicles and pedestrians as well as intersections. To measure speed around the schools, we used a hand-held speed gun. Using these tools, we undertook a risk assessment of 50 schools in Mogale City. Those with the highest road safety risk were selected for the project. These included Athlolong primary school, Lengau primary school, Mosupatsela secondary school, Tsholetsega public school, WD Oliphant primary school and Bosele intermediary school. For each school, we looked at a surrounding radius of roughly one kilometre because some children have to cross major roads to get to school. Infrastructure, signage and road markings were also considered. Then, we implemented infrastructure upgrades and speed reduction tactics. These interventions took place alongside road safety education, law enforcement and data management. We also aimed to eliminate hazardous locations and mitigate risk |
Motorway A3, from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka | EuroRAP | This case study concerns the Zagreb bypass, motorway A3 section from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka where a Star Rating for Design Plans has been conducted. |
Mumbai – Pune Expressway Road Accident Study | JP Research India (JPRI) | JP Research India (JPRI) undertook a detailed 12-month crash investigation study on Mumbai – Pune Expressway in India. During the 12-month study period, in-depth investigations 214 crashes on the 94km expressway were conducted in a scientific manner involving detailed examination of the crash scene, crash vehicles and the injuries sustained by the victims. The study revealed that 63% of crashes on the expressway involved trucks. Cars and trucks are the most affected road user types in the collisions. |
N-IV (CH. 558+500 – CH. 566+500, Seville) | Spanish National Government | The case study involves the upgrading of a remaining single carriageway section to dual carriageway. The SR4D carried out will improve the road safety rating substantially and the Star Ratings will be increased by at least two stars for car occupants and for bicyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
National programme efficacy | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. This case study describes the reduction in fatalities and serious injuries resulting from the implementation of 2+1 with wire rope barrier. |
National Road 51 | EuroRAP | This case study describes the potential benefits of implementation of 2 + 1 road with barrier on part of National Road 51 in Greece. |
NR-7 Road (Asprohoma) | EuroRAP | The case study shows how a traditional crash “before and after” study on part of a network may be informed and enriched by the use of complementary iRAP data. |
Observing pedestrian-vehicle traffic conflicts in school zones to evaluate the effectiveness of road safety interventions and reduce injuries in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico, 2019-2021 | Amend, Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC), FIA Foundation, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) | Three non-governmental organizations in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico applied three Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT) to collect pre and post intervention traffic conflict data. |
Pedestrian Refuges, Bicycle Lanes, Delineation and One-way Road | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Railway Parade Road in Sydney, Australia. Treatments such as pedestrian crossing facilities, intersection improvements, road delineation, on-road bicycle lane etc. were implemented. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the treatments have helped to create a safer environment for all road users. | |
Preventing aquaplaning phenomenon through technical solutions | Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania | The aquaplaning of a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water appears between the wheels of the vehicle and the road surface. The paper places emphasis on the significance of constructing a good quality pavement-structure wearing course, its influence on traffic safety, and the correlation between geometric properties of road elements and the aquaplaning phenomenon. |
R1 Trnava – Nitra | Slovak National Motorway Company (NDS) | Baseline iRAP assessment of R1 Trnava – Nitra motorway in Slovakia showed that more than 90% of the road length achieved only 1 & 2-star. After implementation of financially feasible countermeasures such as roadside safety barriers, shoulder rumble strips, road markings, signages etc. the 1-star sections were completely eliminated, and the road achieved 3-star or better rating for 42% of the length. |
Raised safety platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Raised safety platforms make it physically uncomfortable to drive over the platform faster than the advisory speed. When used at intersections they can take the form of approach platforms just prior to the intersection, or the whole intersection can be raised. International research has shown Raised Safety Platforms reduce death and serious injuries by about 40%. |
Road No. 21, Vanneberga | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | The case study deals with how improvements to roads and roadsides can reduce serious injury and in particular the use of the 2+1 with wire rope median as used in Sweden and an example on Road No. 21 near Vanneberga in the south of that country. |
Road Safety – Catalogue Of Case Studies | World Road Association (PIARC) | PIARC Case Studies Catalogue contains the description of a set of interventions designed, implemented and operated worldwide to improve road safety in three specific fields: Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), Human Factors (HF) and interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) |
Road Safety & Juniors Paving The Way For A Safer Tomorrow | Government of Haryana, Trax | Government of Haryana, MG Motor and TRAX are developing a safer culture around schools through road upgrades, research and training involving students, teachers and the community, supported by SR4S. |
Road safety action pays off, and “demonstration corridors” are here to prove it | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank | The 138.6-km-long Kadapa to Renigunta safety demonstration corridor was implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project (APTRSP). Locations where curves and junctions were improved saw a 53% reduction in road crashes and 42% reduction in fatalities. Approximately $5 million was invested in the demonstration (around $36,000/km). |
Road Safety Barriers for Open Roads in Nepal | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), UK Aid | Several critical road sections in Nepal were identified under World Bank Road Sector Development Project (RSDP). GRSF with funding from UK Aid supported installation of 73,000m crash barriers along some of the deadliest roads in the country and this is expected to save up to 3,456 lives over the next 20 years. |
Rural road and motorway profiles | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) | This case study shows some of the detail behind the iRAP Demonstrator and shows four examples from a suite of 15 sample 3-D designs. In these examples the rationale is explained for why low-standard examples of the rural roads and motorways rate less well for safety that their higher-standard equivalents. |
Rural roundabouts | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A number of rural roundabouts have been installed at high speed main road intersections in Waikato and Auckland to address serious crash concerns.The fatal and serious crashes, and deaths and serious injury equivalents (the estimated number of deaths and injuries), have reduced by 75%. |
Safer Road Design for LBS Marg in Mumbai | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study presents the improvements made for pedestrian infrastructure on LBS Marg in Mumbai which has been developed as a safety demonstration corridor under the BIGRS. |
Safety at heart of urban road concession design | Sociedad Concesionaria Vespucio Oriente SA | Designs for the Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession in Chile, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America, have been assessed and improved using the iRAP Star Rating methodology prior to its commission in 2022 |
Safety Improvement for National Highway G109 | iRAP | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on a 96km stretch of National Highway G109 in Beijing, China. Several treatments and upgrades were implemented on the section at an overall cost of 1.4 million dollars. |
Samoa Central Cross Island Road Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Land Transport Authority (LTA), SMEC | The Central Cross Island Road (CCIR) is one of Samoa’s most critical arterials. It stretches 22 km with 20km upgrade providing access to 8 villiages, 7,000 residents and hundreds of businesses between the capital, Apia, and the island’s south. It is an important alternative route for cyclone evacuation and post-disaster relief. Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) enabled improvements prior to construction, increasing the 3-star road length for vehicle occupants from 23% to 73% |
School Zone Safety Improvement using SR4S | Government of Haryana, Trax | Case study presents the pedestrian facilities implemented around selected schools in Haryana, India. |
SE-30 Highway, Centennial Bridge | Spanish National Government | The case study involves adding a lane and providing a median barrier and assessing the impact of this under different traffic conditions. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard on and around the Centennial Bridge will have been improved significantly, and the Star Ratings increased by 1 or 2 stars in the different scenarios. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
Slow Zones, Safe Zones in pilot project in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation | Two pilot schools (Phan Dang Luu school and Nguyen Luong Bang school) were selected to receive infrastructure upgrades, speed reductions and education awareness campaign. |
Speed Variation Analysis: A Case Study for Thailand’s Roads | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The importance of speed in influencing road user risk is highlighted in two case studies on different road types in Thailand — the Outer Ring Road and Hathai Rat Road in Bangkok — to demonstrate the effects of different speeds on the iRAP Star Ratings. |
SS 114 Orientale Sicula | EuroRAP | The case study concerns an intervention carried out to upgrade an intersection on SS 114 Orientale Sicula in Italy. After the intersection was upgrades as a roundabout, a 77% percentage reduction was observed in the average annual number of injuries. |
SS 13 Pontebbana | EuroRAP | The improvement of 3 high-risk intersections on SS 13 Pontebbana in Italy showed a 38% reduction in the number of crashes. 2 intersections were upgraded as roundabouts and 1 was provided with channelization and lighting. The improvements proved to be economically viable in terms of savings in social cost with a benefit to cost ratio of 1.27. |
SS 45 (Genova – Piacenza) | EuroRAP | In this Case Study, the Star Rating for Designs process is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road location can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. These measures will increase the Star Ratings from 1 to 3 or 4-star for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists and from 1- to 2- or 3-star for bicyclists. |
Supporting Road Safety Interventions and Building Sustainability in China | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | A series of World Bank-financed projects in China were benefitted from BIGRS 2015-2019. Under this initiative, several urban and rural roads in the country were iRAP assessed and investment plans were produced for implementation. |
Sustainable Road Safety Outcomes in Brazil | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | Under BIGRS 2015-2019, 371 km of roads were surveyed and assessed in Fortaleza and São Paulo. The suggested investment plans for the cities would prevent 15,900+ potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years. Assessments made under the Bloomberg Initiative enabled early dissemination of the iRAP methodology in the state of São Paulo. |
Swedish 2+1 with wire rope median | EuroRAP, iRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single-carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. Many existing single-carriageway road sections in Sweden have been provided with a wire rope safety fence to separate opposing vehicles, thereby effectively making them dual-carriageways, mostly within the existing roadspace required for a single-carriageway. Results from the before and after studies show a number of significant effects, with number of fatalities and seriously injured often decreasing by 50%. |
The Influence of Road Materials Characteristics on Road Safety | Alina Burlacu | Aspects such as skid-resistance, permeability, and evenness influence road safety. This study shows that by varying the source of pavement materials alone, stopping sight distance can differ with up to 20 meters. |
Wuhan Implements Model Junction Channelisation for Pedestrians | World Bank | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented to improve the safety of pedestrians at intersections under the Wuhan Urban Transport Project (WUTP). A model junction with treatments such as physical channelisation with pedestrian refuge, multi-phase traffic and pedestrian signal etc. was developed to illustrate the benefits to road agencies. |
Safer Vehicle Treatments
Case Studies related to Safer Vehicle Treatments
Related Case Studies | Project Leads | Description |
Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies | Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), City of Buenos Aires, City of Fortaleza, City of Rotterdam, New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), Transport for London (TfL) | These case studies from Bogotá, Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Rotterdam and London illustrate the diversity of approaches available to better understand and prevent serious road crashes in cities. They also include experiences of developing reliable traffic injury data, enforcing speed limits, implementing safer street design, and predicting and preventing road crashes. Each case study exemplifies best practice in one or more of the areas examined. |
Collection of reports on the investigation of severe road crashes in the web site of France’s Bureau of Investigation for Accidents of Surface Transports | Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau | The land transport accident investigation bureau (BEA-TT) performs technical investigations into serious crashes to prevent similar occurrences. |
Making Vehicle Inspections Count in Cameroon | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Assessment of Vehicle Inspection Systems (AVIS) project is undertaken by GRSF and CITA with a view to upgrade vehicle inspections. The main objective of the project is to identify systems for vehicle inspection and approval, and to propose an improvement strategy to make vehicles safer and travel more efficient. Global objective of the AVIS projects is to carry out audits of vehicle inspection systems in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon is the second country to benefit from such an audit. |
Mumbai – Pune Expressway Road Accident Study | JP Research India (JPRI) | JP Research India (JPRI) undertook a detailed 12-month crash investigation study on Mumbai – Pune Expressway in India. During the 12-month study period, in-depth investigations 214 crashes on the 94km expressway were conducted in a scientific manner involving detailed examination of the crash scene, crash vehicles and the injuries sustained by the victims. The study revealed that 63% of crashes on the expressway involved trucks. Cars and trucks are the most affected road user types in the collisions. |
Sakhalin Seatbelt Campaign, Russia | Sakhalin Road Safety Partnership | Seatbelt campaign through publicity and enforcement in Sakhalin Island, Russia has shown significant improvement in compliance. Campaign used media outlets such as television, radio, billboards, internet etc. along with enforcement. Success measurement using video sampling revealed that seatbelt wearing rate increased from 3-4% to 80%. |
Case Studies related to Management
Related Case Studies | Project Leads | Description |
A Brief Overview on the Road Safety Approach in Singapore | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The report introduces how the Safe System Approach works, with a focus on road infrastructure and road safety engineering best practices from one of the best performing countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Singapore. |
A-375 Road | Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain) | This case study describes the reduction in number of head-on and run-off crashes on A-375 road in Spain after implementation of central line rumble strips. |
A-4 Highway | Spanish National Government | This case study describes the improvement in Star Rating after implementation of safety barriers on selected section of A-4 highway in Spain. Star Rating improved from 3-star to 4-star for vehicle occupants and from 1-star to 2-star for motorcyclists. |
A404 Amersham | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | This case study describes the upgrades that were implemented on Britain’s most improved road as reported in the British EuroRAP Risk Mapping Results 2014. The upgrades have improved the Star Ratings to 39% 2-star, 28% 3-star and 33% 4-star for this road user group. For pedestrians the upgrades have seen the Star Ratings improve from 17% 2-star, 62% 3-star and 21% 4-star to 56% 3-star and 44% 4-star with the 2-star sections eliminated… |
Amend and Zoleka Mandela Cut the Ribbon on Lifesaving Infrastructure in Accra, Ghana | Amend | In March, 2020, Zoleka Mandela joined Amend at Oblogo Schools in Accra, Ghana – where recently two children have been killed and many injured in traffic – to cut the ribbon on lifesaving infrastructure. |
America’s Best New Bikeways of 2020 | People for Bikes | These projects make biking more useful, more beautiful and more welcoming to all riders. With careful planning and smart construction, cities relied on support from residents to expand access to completely connected, comfortable mobility networks, allowing people on bikes or on foot to travel safely throughout their community. |
Análisis de conflictos viales: metodología y resultados en el entorno escolar de BINE, Puebla | Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC) | An intersection adjacent to the Benemérito Instituto Nacional del Estado (BINE), was improved with low-cost infrastructure widening the pedestrian spaces through the implementation of bollards and markings, which reduced pedestrian crossing, reduced the exposure time of pedestrians crossing the road and rearranged the parking area. The intervention led to a 69% decrease in road conflicts compared to the situation before the intervention, and a star rating increase from 1 to 3 stars. |
Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway-20 in Karnataka | World Bank | Case study presents the infrastructure improvements and the resultant reduction in crashes on Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway in Karnataka, India. Implementation of treatments such as intersection improvements, 2+1 lanes, pedestrian crossing facilities, roadside safety barriers, speed calming etc. showed significant improvement in Star Rating and over 50% reduction in fatalities. |
Belize City to Belmopan Road Safety Improvements | Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)Government of Belize | Upgrades to the demonstration corridor, informed by iRAP’s recommendations led to: improved safety performance of the road from 5% 3-star or better to 100% 3-star or better; fatality reductions from 33 deaths a year to a 5-year average of 8. |
Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies | Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), City of Buenos Aires, City of Fortaleza, City of Rotterdam, New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), Transport for London (TfL) | These case studies from Bogotá, Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Rotterdam and London illustrate the diversity of approaches available to better understand and prevent serious road crashes in cities. They also include experiences of developing reliable traffic injury data, enforcing speed limits, implementing safer street design, and predicting and preventing road crashes. Each case study exemplifies best practice in one or more of the areas examined. |
Better Data for Safer Roads in the Philippines: New legislation supporting nation-wide scale up of DRIVER in the Philippines | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | The Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation and Reporting System (DRIVER) was integrated into the daily workflow of Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2020 through a legislation. Effective monitoring and trainings were established in regional, provincial, district and city levels to ensure faithful compliance. This is another strong milestone in establishing DRIVERS as the national crash data collection system in the Philippines. |
Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System – Case Studies | Bikesafe | A series of case studies that illustrate various treatments and/or programs as implemented in a USA state or municipality. |
Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra) Upgrade | Australian Government, Queensland Government | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Cooroy to Curra section of Bruce Highway. A new 12km, 4-lane divided highway with safety barriers, grade separated interchange, etc. was delivered through an investment of AUD$513 million. Comparison of the reported crash data on the old Bruce Highway to the new alignment show an 82% reduction in fatal and serious injuries (FSIs). |
Building Momentum for Seat-Belt Laws in Turkey | Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS) | In 2012, Turkey’s Prime Minister launched the Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. This important government strategy set a goal of increasing seat-belt use from 44% to 70% in urban areas and 76% to 90% in suburban areas by 2015, and 80% and 100%, respectively, by 2020. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through press conferences and collaborating with partners to create a civil society declaration. |
Building safer roads through better design and better contracts | Government of Tamil Nadu, World Bank | This road sector project in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu shows how relatively simple and affordable design improvements can make roads significantly safer, and bring other important benefits such as enhanced drainage and water conservation. Facilities installed had combined increased construction costs by only about 10% ($100,000 per km)—a worthwhile investment in light of the safety and operational benefits. It is estimated that deaths fell by around 31% after facilities were installed. |
Central Hatching in Malaysia | Malaysian Institute of Road Safety (MIROS) | After iRAP Malaysia pilot project in 2008, MIROS undertook a study to test the effectiveness of central hatching which was recommended by iRAP at selected locations. The study involved installation of central hatching on a 2.8km length section of four lane highway and evaluation of resultant impacts. |
Child-Centering Road Safety: Making Sure It Works for Girls and Boys | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Shaanxi Provincial Department of Transportation | From 2015–2020, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) supported a project in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that made system-wide improvements to road safety,(link is external) including infrastructure, institutional strengthening, and education interventions. Child-centered and participatory methodologies were used in three primary schools and their communities along #102 Provincial Highway in Xunyang County, South Shaanxi. |
Collection of reports on the investigation of severe road crashes in the web site of France’s Bureau of Investigation for Accidents of Surface Transports | Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau | The land transport accident investigation bureau (BEA-TT) performs technical investigations into serious crashes to prevent similar occurrences. |
Corridor C-12 Road | Catalan government | C-12 is a single carriageway road, without median separation, and has relatively high operating speed and moderate curves. The study shows a comparison of baseline Star Rating with the achievable Star Rating by implementing the suggested investment plan and a scenario to provide 2+1 lane configuration with median barrier throughout. |
Corridor C-55 / C-58 | Catalan government | This case study describes the benefits of implementation of median barrier along a highspeed road segment which recorded and high number of fatal crashes. iRAP Star Rating increased from 2-star to 3-star on the sections of road where median barrier was installed. Fatal and serious injuries in the three years after implementation were almost half the number in the three years before. The number of fatalities was reduced from 16 to 1. |
Creating and Implementing a Plan for Child Helmet Use in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Through careful research and planning and working closely with the government, by a coalition initiated by the AIP Foundation, within one year helmet wearing has significantly increased. This Case Study’s tactics include drafting an action plan, coalition building, identifying and engaging key champions, launching a public awareness campaign, creating and distributing a school manuals, engaging with traditional media, and monitoring implementation. |
Creating Spaces for Kids in Istanbul: The Transformation of Zümrütevler Square | Maltepe Municipality, NACTO-GDCI | This case study discusses the transformation of Zümrütevler Square in Istanbul. Unorganised parking space in the square has been converted into children’s play area and space for pedestrians. |
Cross-sections and mid-block National Road M2-R7 Saratenii-Soroca-Drochia Junction | Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC) | This case study focuses on the influence that elements of design may have on the Star Rating Score (SRS), the values in the scale that determine which of the Star Rating bands (1-5, with 5 the safest) a road section may achieve. SRS scores reflect risk to individual road users, the higher the score the higher the risk. The case study shows the application of Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) in this process. Its shows how SR4D may assess the safety of the road and elements of the road before construction begins. |
CRTIP project | UNICEF and Safe Kids Worldwide | Child Road Traffic Injury Prevention (CRTIP) program aims to make roads safer for children in the Philippines by developing models for child road traffic safety programs, strengthening data collection and analysis, improving road safety laws and policies, enhancing multisectoral action for children’s safety, and improving road safety education for school children. As a pilot, 66 schools were assessed using SR4S and four school were upgraded. |
Cycle friendly traffic calming on the F3 cycle highway | Municipality of Herent | Where a road crosses a village, there is often limited space available between buildings. The reconstruction of Lodewijk van Veltemstraat in the municipality of Herent is an example how to provide continuous cycling infrastructure in such case. |
Delivering Road Safety in India | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The report points to the high death rate on India’s roads caused by a chronic lack of investment in systemic, targeted, and sustained road safety programs and identifies relevant investment priorities to reverse the trend. |
E75 (NR-90, CH.182+400 – CH.184+600) | EuroRAP | In this case study, the Star Rating for Designs is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road section can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. It is also proved that it is not mandatory to rely upon crash data to demonstrate a potential safety improvement. |
Effect of the helmet act for motorcyclists in Thailand | Government of Thailand | After enforcement of the helmet act, helmet-wearers increased five-fold while head injuries decreased by 41.4% and deaths by 20.8%. Those who had head or neck injuries or died were less likely wearing a helmet. |
Effectively Reducing the Number of Drink Drivers | Mexican Red Cross Society (MRCS) | The Mexican Red Cross Society teamed up with the local police in Guanajuato, Mexico to help garner public support and increase legitimacy for drink driving enforcement checkpoints. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through a kick-off meeting, utilizing volunteers to help convey the road safety message, and creating partnerships to bolster effectiveness. |
El Salvador’s Coastal Highway | Government of El Salvador, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) | A safer road design was achieved particularly for vulnerable road users, lifting the original design from a largely 1-2 Star Rating, to a 2-5 Star Rating. It also lead to a better understanding within the road authority of road safety design principles. |
Evaluation of Wide Centreline Treatment Effectiveness | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads | Wide centrelines increase separation of opposing traffic with painted lines up to 1 metre wide, often accompanied by audio-tactile linemarking. The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads implemented this treatment on selected sections of the Bruce Highway in 2011. This evaluation found that head on fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 30% and run off road fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 24%. |
Final evaluation of 80 km/h speed limit on single carriageway roads outside built-up areas in France | Cerema | To support a national target of a 50% reduction in road fatalities, speed limits on two-way rural roads with no central separator in mainland France. The initiative resulted in significant reductions in serious trauma and overall socio-economic benefits of more than EUR 700 million per year. |
Forming a Coalition to Bring Attention to E-Bike Regulation in | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | To help bring awareness and attention on the need for e-bike regulation, road safety advocates created the Tianjin Road Safety Alliance. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through awareness events, hosting joint media events and walk-a-thons, as well as, gathering and sharing data within a coalition. |
Fortaleza Cares: Prioritizing Safer Access to Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital | Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital, Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), NACTO-GDCI, World Resources Institute (WRI) | Transforming the safety of the streets surrounding the hospital. This area, in Fortaleza, Brazil, is now equipped with safe pedestrian infrastructure that has reduced the number of people walking on the roadbed by 86%, and greatly improved accessibility to the hospital. |
From Legislation to Implementation in Cambodia | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | In late 2014, after several years of discussion between advocates and the government, the Cambodian government passed comprehensive road traffic legislation. Tactics in this Case Study include: fostering partnerships, coordinating with other road safety activists, working closely with the government to commit funds for implementation, and conducting trainings and workshops on road safety. |
Generic case of selecting sites for 2+1 with median barrier Road 4, south west of Debrecen – Ukraine border | EuroRAP | This case study has shown how iRAP Star Rating maps, Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIPs) and tools within the iRAP software platform ViDA maps may be used to guide site selection for 2+1 roads with median barrier in Hungary. |
Head First: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Motorcycle Helmet Campaign | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Published to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Vietnam’s 2007 introduction of a universal helmet law, ‘Head First’ details the decade-long campaign to secure the legislations, and the decade-long implementation effort since. |
High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Crash Reduction Program | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) | High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Program in Kentucky is one of the 2013 winners of The Annual National Roadway Safety Awards. Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) conducted a pilot program to improve skid resistance using high friction surfacing treatment (HFST) at 26 locations prone to run-off crashes. |
Human lives need not be lost in road crashes—much less at current levels | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Karnataka, World Bank | The project supported the adoption of a whole-of-government programmatic approach to road safety, with activities focused on every stage: policy, planning, design, construction, and operation. The results have been striking: fatalities and injuries along the Belagavi – Yaragatti (62 km) State Highway corridor, that piloted the approach, were reduced by more than 50%. Approximately $9 million was invested, including approximately $6 million wo for safer infrastructure (~($100,000/km). |
Illustrations of roads improved with safer infrastructure | World Bank | Illustrations with example images showing before and after Star Ratings of state highways in Gujarat and Kerala improved with safer infrastructure. |
Impact of reduction of posted speed limits | Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary | Speed reduction, pedestrians |
Implementing Road Safety Engineering Measures in Ho Chi Minh City | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study describes the upgrades implemented on the city roads of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which were assessed by iRAP under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). Based on iRAP and BIGRS partners recommendations, the local administration has implemented over 300 road safety engineering measures such as refuge islands, raised pedestrian crossings, footbridges etc. |
Improved Line Marking and Rumble Strips | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A 3-E’s (Education, Engineering & Enforcement) approach was undertaken to address the crashes on State Highway 1 in New Zealand. Engineering treatments such as 150mm double yellow profiled centreline marking, 150mm edgeline marking and 150mm wide ribs immediately outside of the edgeline were implemented on a 37km section out of the entire 200km project road. Fatal and serious injury crashes on this 37km section dropped by 67% after implementation of these measures… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities Around Ied Rodrigo Lara Bonilla | Bogota Mobility Secretariat | In 2018, as part of the city’s Vision Zero approach, the Bogota Mobility Secretariat launched their 2,000th safe school zone, around the IED Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Public School in Ciudad Bolivar.As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), in partnership with the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and NACTO-GDCI, the Mobility Secretariat started a pilot project in the area. The countermeasures were first tested with temporary materials to verify their impact. Cones and plants were introduced… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities At Shohada, Imam Ali & Azmoodeh Primary Schools | Global Alliance of NGOs, Road Safety Pioneers | Assessments were conducted around eight primary schools in Tehran and Mashhad using the SR4S app. Three schools were found to have a 1-star safety rating and were selected for the implementation of safety treatments. Treatments included the installation of delineation, speed bumps, road studs and an on-road thermoplastic school sign. SR4S was again used to assess the school zones post-construction. The result was an improvement to 3-stars for the Shohada School, 4-stars for the Imam Ali School and 2-stars for the Azmoodeh School. |
Improving road safety through speed management in Accra | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | With the support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIRGS) 2015-2019, pedestrian footbridges, new speed limits, crosswalks, and installation of traffic lights were completed in an effort to make roads safer in Ghana. The BIGRS initiative surveyed and assessed 260 km of roads in In Accra; completed 74 km of construction based on iRAP survey recommendations; trained 164 professionals on road safety; which could prevent over 5,243 potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years |
Improving road safety through speed management in Bogotá | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), City of Bogotá, Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), iRAP | In Bogotá, a network of approximately 200 km of roads has been assessed for road safety risks in the BIGRS program. The results show that over 40% of this network has an iRAP star rating of 1 or 2 for bicyclists, and over 60% is 1 or 2 stars for pedestrians. Scenarios tested using iRAP, along with input from the BIGRS partnership, showed significant safety benefits from reducing the speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h in key arterial roads… |
Increasing Road Safety in Argentina | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | A $38.5 million road safety initiative was launched in Argentina by the World Bank to reduce road traffic injuries, crashes and fatalities. The components of the initiative include institutional capacity-building, demonstration corridors with incentive fund program and road safety monitoring and evaluation. The initiative helped to achieve 35% reduction of fatalities in selected pilot corridors, 12% reduction in the national road traffic death rate, increase in seat belt and helmet usage rates etc. |
Increasing Road Safety Investments in Addis Ababa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | GRSF funded iRAP assessment of Tulu Dimtu – Kality Interchange Road in Ethiopia led to led to an investment of $17.5 million in interventions. Each $1 of GRSF investment resulted in $80 additional for road safety in Addis Ababa. |
Intersection speed zones | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Intersection Speed Zones are used to improve the safety at rural intersections along high-speed roads. They detect when a driver is approaching on a side road and activate an electronic Variable Speed Limit sign to temporarily show a lower speed limit on the main road. Looking at the ten sites installed in the first trial, in the years after installation compared to the five years before: total crashes reduced by 28%; fatal and serious crashes reduced by 69%. |
Kazakhstan Safe Villages and Education | EASST, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) | In July 2016, in conjunction with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development’s South West Corridor Road Rehabilitation Project in the Martuk region of Aktobe, Kazakhstan, EASST Expertise consultants delivered a Safe Villages and Education Campaign in the local area where road improvement works had taken place. |
Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust (KRSD Trust), with the support of iRAP and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, has been working with the school and community leaders to improve road safety. The work of KRSD Trust and iRAP Star Rating for Schools to improve road safety for Lea Primary School students has been profiled in a moving video |
Kyrgyzstan, Safe and Sustainable Streets | EASST | A targeted campaign was implemented between May-September to inform and urge the public to use seat belts and child car seats. The results revealed an increase in the number of drivers and front passengers choosing a safe ride by buckling up, and a significant increase (160% from the baseline) in the use of seat belts in the back seat |
Maintenance and basic improvements to SS 51 di Alemagna | EuroRAP | The case study shows a reduction in risk after implementation of maintenance and some additional measures added during that process. |
Maintenance improvements to road sections of A6, A8, A9, D8 | EuroRAP | iRAP assessment results of selected Croatian TEN-T roads are presented in this case study. The study shows that implementation of maintenance-only remedies such as delineation improvement, clearance of roadside hazards or replacement/modification/installation of roadside barriers improved the Star Rating by 1 to 2 stars. |
Making Vehicle Inspections Count in Cameroon | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Assessment of Vehicle Inspection Systems (AVIS) project is undertaken by GRSF and CITA with a view to upgrade vehicle inspections. The main objective of the project is to identify systems for vehicle inspection and approval, and to propose an improvement strategy to make vehicles safer and travel more efficient. Global objective of the AVIS projects is to carry out audits of vehicle inspection systems in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon is the second country to benefit from such an audit. |
Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway-55 in Gujarat | World Bank | This case study presents the improvement in Star Rating after upgradation of Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway in Gujarat, India. Treatments such as Duplication (2 to 4 laning), median safety barriers, intersection improvements, pedestrian crossing facilities, curve delineation etc. were implemented. |
Mexico’s National Network | Secretariat for Communications and Transport (SCT) | Mexico systematically Star Rated their road network in 2012, investing millions of pesos in iRAP recommended road upgrades.They resurveyed the network in 2015 to evaluate the success of their investment. The results highlighted that 17% of the 42,801km road network was lifted from only a 1 or 2-star level to 3-star or better. |
More schools in Mogale City to benefit from road safety project | South African Road Federation (SARF) | Working with our partners, we developed a Road Safety Risk Assessment Model, which includes a Road Safety Risk Index, to prioritise schools where the risk for accidents is high. We made use of the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) App to measure the road environment, road type, road features, school zone, sidewalks, crossings, flow of vehicles and pedestrians as well as intersections. To measure speed around the schools, we used a hand-held speed gun. Using these tools, we undertook a risk assessment of 50 schools in Mogale City. Those with the highest road safety risk were selected for the project. These included Athlolong primary school, Lengau primary school, Mosupatsela secondary school, Tsholetsega public school, WD Oliphant primary school and Bosele intermediary school. For each school, we looked at a surrounding radius of roughly one kilometre because some children have to cross major roads to get to school. Infrastructure, signage and road markings were also considered. Then, we implemented infrastructure upgrades and speed reduction tactics. These interventions took place alongside road safety education, law enforcement and data management. We also aimed to eliminate hazardous locations and mitigate risk |
Motorway A3, from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka | EuroRAP | This case study concerns the Zagreb bypass, motorway A3 section from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka where a Star Rating for Design Plans has been conducted. |
Mumbai – Pune Expressway Road Accident Study | JP Research India (JPRI) | JP Research India (JPRI) undertook a detailed 12-month crash investigation study on Mumbai – Pune Expressway in India. During the 12-month study period, in-depth investigations 214 crashes on the 94km expressway were conducted in a scientific manner involving detailed examination of the crash scene, crash vehicles and the injuries sustained by the victims. The study revealed that 63% of crashes on the expressway involved trucks. Cars and trucks are the most affected road user types in the collisions. |
N-IV (CH. 558+500 – CH. 566+500, Seville) | Spanish National Government | The case study involves the upgrading of a remaining single carriageway section to dual carriageway. The SR4D carried out will improve the road safety rating substantially and the Star Ratings will be increased by at least two stars for car occupants and for bicyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
National programme efficacy | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. This case study describes the reduction in fatalities and serious injuries resulting from the implementation of 2+1 with wire rope barrier. |
National Road 51 | EuroRAP | This case study describes the potential benefits of implementation of 2 + 1 road with barrier on part of National Road 51 in Greece. |
NR-7 Road (Asprohoma) | EuroRAP | The case study shows how a traditional crash “before and after” study on part of a network may be informed and enriched by the use of complementary iRAP data. |
Observing pedestrian-vehicle traffic conflicts in school zones to evaluate the effectiveness of road safety interventions and reduce injuries in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico, 2019-2021 | Amend, Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC), FIA Foundation, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) | Three non-governmental organizations in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico applied three Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT) to collect pre and post intervention traffic conflict data. |
Pedestrian Refuges, Bicycle Lanes, Delineation and One-way Road | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Railway Parade Road in Sydney, Australia. Treatments such as pedestrian crossing facilities, intersection improvements, road delineation, on-road bicycle lane etc. were implemented. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the treatments have helped to create a safer environment for all road users. | |
Por Amor – Costa Rica’s Seat Belt Campaign | FIA Foundation | ‘Por Amor Seat Belt Campaign’ was a pilot project in Costa Rica based on the principles of ‘best practice’ developed in the FIA Foundation seat belt toolkit, which identifies the best methods to raise levels of seat belt usage. The target of the campaign was to achieve a seat belt wearing rate of 70%. |
Preventing aquaplaning phenomenon through technical solutions | Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania | The aquaplaning of a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water appears between the wheels of the vehicle and the road surface. The paper places emphasis on the significance of constructing a good quality pavement-structure wearing course, its influence on traffic safety, and the correlation between geometric properties of road elements and the aquaplaning phenomenon. |
R1 Trnava – Nitra | Slovak National Motorway Company (NDS) | Baseline iRAP assessment of R1 Trnava – Nitra motorway in Slovakia showed that more than 90% of the road length achieved only 1 & 2-star. After implementation of financially feasible countermeasures such as roadside safety barriers, shoulder rumble strips, road markings, signages etc. the 1-star sections were completely eliminated, and the road achieved 3-star or better rating for 42% of the length. |
Raised safety platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Raised safety platforms make it physically uncomfortable to drive over the platform faster than the advisory speed. When used at intersections they can take the form of approach platforms just prior to the intersection, or the whole intersection can be raised. International research has shown Raised Safety Platforms reduce death and serious injuries by about 40%. |
Raised Safety Platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), Safe System Solutions | Raised Safety Platforms (RSPs) are elevated sections of road that aim to reduce vehicle speedson the approach to areas of higher risk, such as intersections. |
RAP Partnerships Saving Lives: Great Britain | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | In Britain, there were more than 153,158 reported road casualties in 2019. Societal costs equate to 1.7% of Gross Domestic Product. The Road Safety Foundation (RSF), as the voice of EuroRAP in the UK, systematically measures and maps 53,000km of motorways and A roads each year to performance track the safety of Britain’s roads. Financial support for this is provided by Ageas (UK) Limited. RSF also works closely with Highways England, the Department for Transport (DfT) and local partners to drive an important focus on road network safety, 3-star |
Reducing Traffic Accidents in China – Strengthening the Use of Road Safety Audits | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This case study reviews the specific role of road safety audits, a formal examination of the crash potential and safety performance of a future or existing road or traffic project. |
Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads (RADAR) | European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA) | The 3-year Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads (RADAR) project is being run by the Slovenia-based European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA). It involves 10 Project Partners and 12 Associated Strategic Partners as well as two international organisations South East Europe Transport Observatory and the European Union Strategy for Danube Region (Priority 1b – Rail-Road-Air Mobility). |
Road No. 21, Vanneberga | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | The case study deals with how improvements to roads and roadsides can reduce serious injury and in particular the use of the 2+1 with wire rope median as used in Sweden and an example on Road No. 21 near Vanneberga in the south of that country. |
Road Safety – Catalogue Of Case Studies | World Road Association (PIARC) | PIARC Case Studies Catalogue contains the description of a set of interventions designed, implemented and operated worldwide to improve road safety in three specific fields: Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), Human Factors (HF) and interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) |
Road Safety & Juniors Paving The Way For A Safer Tomorrow | Government of Haryana, Trax | Government of Haryana, MG Motor and TRAX are developing a safer culture around schools through road upgrades, research and training involving students, teachers and the community, supported by SR4S. |
Road safety action pays off, and “demonstration corridors” are here to prove it | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank | The 138.6-km-long Kadapa to Renigunta safety demonstration corridor was implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project (APTRSP). Locations where curves and junctions were improved saw a 53% reduction in road crashes and 42% reduction in fatalities. Approximately $5 million was invested in the demonstration (around $36,000/km). |
Road Safety Barriers for Open Roads in Nepal | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), UK Aid | Several critical road sections in Nepal were identified under World Bank Road Sector Development Project (RSDP). GRSF with funding from UK Aid supported installation of 73,000m crash barriers along some of the deadliest roads in the country and this is expected to save up to 3,456 lives over the next 20 years. |
Road Safety Data Assessment in Viet Nam for the establishment of a National Road Safety Observatory | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The World Bank has been assisting the Government of Viet Nam (GoVN), through the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), to establish a National Road Safety Observatory (NRSO) for Viet Nam, improve road safety data systems, and update the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan for Viet Nam. |
Road Safety Data Review in Cambodia – Summary Note | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This project follows up on a previous twinning project between Cambodia and the Netherlands, undertaken in the framework of the International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) group of ITF in 2010-2014. That project concerned both a review of the Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS), and training and support to develop a national road safety strategy and related indicators. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for Samoa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) is an activity within a broader Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA), which aims to gain a holistic and thorough understanding of the road safety management capacity of three selected Pacific Island Countries (PICs)—Samoa, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu—in order to support their respective governments to develop national strategies and plans of action to improve road safety outcomes, with a focus on crash data management. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for the Solomon Islands | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Solomon Island Government road safety management capacity in order to support the country’s development of a national strategy and plan of action to improve road safety outcomes, and subsequently implement those actions effectively. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for Vanuatu | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Government of Vanuatu’s road safety management capacity to support its plans to improve road safety outcomes throughout the country. |
Road Traffic Injuries in Malawi: With Special Focus on the Role of Alcohol | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The objective of this study was to generate new knowledge about road traffic injuries in Malawi and the extent of traffic accidents related to alcohol use, to increase capacity to conduct alcohol-testing, and develop a database for the findings, which in turn will form the basis for future policy making to reduce traffic accidents. |
Rural road and motorway profiles | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) | This case study shows some of the detail behind the iRAP Demonstrator and shows four examples from a suite of 15 sample 3-D designs. In these examples the rationale is explained for why low-standard examples of the rural roads and motorways rate less well for safety that their higher-standard equivalents. |
Rural roundabouts | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A number of rural roundabouts have been installed at high speed main road intersections in Waikato and Auckland to address serious crash concerns.The fatal and serious crashes, and deaths and serious injury equivalents (the estimated number of deaths and injuries), have reduced by 75%. |
Safe Latin American Children in Traffic Program | Gonzalo Rodríguez | “Safe Latin American Children in Traffic” program is funded by the FIA Foundation with an aim to reduce risk factors associated to car crashes involving children, paying special attention to school zones. The project uses iRAP’s Star Rating for School and observational approach to assess school zones. |
Safer Road Design for LBS Marg in Mumbai | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study presents the improvements made for pedestrian infrastructure on LBS Marg in Mumbai which has been developed as a safety demonstration corridor under the BIGRS. |
Safety at heart of urban road concession design | Sociedad Concesionaria Vespucio Oriente SA | Designs for the Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession in Chile, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America, have been assessed and improved using the iRAP Star Rating methodology prior to its commission in 2022 |
Safety Improvement for National Highway G109 | iRAP | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on a 96km stretch of National Highway G109 in Beijing, China. Several treatments and upgrades were implemented on the section at an overall cost of 1.4 million dollars. |
Sakhalin Seatbelt Campaign, Russia | Sakhalin Road Safety Partnership | Seatbelt campaign through publicity and enforcement in Sakhalin Island, Russia has shown significant improvement in compliance. Campaign used media outlets such as television, radio, billboards, internet etc. along with enforcement. Success measurement using video sampling revealed that seatbelt wearing rate increased from 3-4% to 80%. |
Samoa Central Cross Island Road Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Land Transport Authority (LTA), SMEC | The Central Cross Island Road (CCIR) is one of Samoa’s most critical arterials. It stretches 22 km with 20km upgrade providing access to 8 villiages, 7,000 residents and hundreds of businesses between the capital, Apia, and the island’s south. It is an important alternative route for cyclone evacuation and post-disaster relief. Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) enabled improvements prior to construction, increasing the 3-star road length for vehicle occupants from 23% to 73% |
Saving lives with car seats in the Philippines | Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) | With the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, we at GHAI joined international partners, including the World Health Organization and the Global Road Safety Partnership, to support a small group of non-governmental organizations in the Philippines who identified the need for legislation that promoted road safety, specifically protecting children on the road. |
School Zone Safety Improvement using SR4S | Government of Haryana, Trax | Case study presents the pedestrian facilities implemented around selected schools in Haryana, India. |
SE-30 Highway, Centennial Bridge | Spanish National Government | The case study involves adding a lane and providing a median barrier and assessing the impact of this under different traffic conditions. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard on and around the Centennial Bridge will have been improved significantly, and the Star Ratings increased by 1 or 2 stars in the different scenarios. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
SE-40 (CH. 0+000 – CH. 41+300, Seville) | Spanish National Government | This case study involves an assessment of the safety and influence of a bypass, including one section built in a tunnel. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard will have been improved substantially, and the Star Ratings were increased for car occupants and motorcyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
Slow Zones, Safe Zones in pilot project in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation | Two pilot schools (Phan Dang Luu school and Nguyen Luong Bang school) were selected to receive infrastructure upgrades, speed reductions and education awareness campaign. |
Speed management in Philippines | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), UN Road Safety Fund | The UNRSF project trained more than 170 speed enforcers in best-practice speed enforcement, supported high-level officials in developing speed enforcement plans, and raised awareness among more than 75,000 people through social media engagement on the importance of appropriate speeds. |
Speed Variation Analysis: A Case Study for Thailand’s Roads | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The importance of speed in influencing road user risk is highlighted in two case studies on different road types in Thailand — the Outer Ring Road and Hathai Rat Road in Bangkok — to demonstrate the effects of different speeds on the iRAP Star Ratings. |
Speeding Campaign: “COVID-19 Speeding” in Brazil | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Vital Strategies | Driving is down, but speeding, especially among motorcyclists, is up during the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil. To address this, the city of Salvador launched a mass media campaign in May 2021 with doctor testimonials calling on riders to obey the speed limit, paired with increased enforcement operations. |
SS 114 Orientale Sicula | EuroRAP | The case study concerns an intervention carried out to upgrade an intersection on SS 114 Orientale Sicula in Italy. After the intersection was upgrades as a roundabout, a 77% percentage reduction was observed in the average annual number of injuries. |
SS 13 Pontebbana | EuroRAP | The improvement of 3 high-risk intersections on SS 13 Pontebbana in Italy showed a 38% reduction in the number of crashes. 2 intersections were upgraded as roundabouts and 1 was provided with channelization and lighting. The improvements proved to be economically viable in terms of savings in social cost with a benefit to cost ratio of 1.27. |
SS 45 (Genova – Piacenza) | EuroRAP | In this Case Study, the Star Rating for Designs process is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road location can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. These measures will increase the Star Ratings from 1 to 3 or 4-star for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists and from 1- to 2- or 3-star for bicyclists. |
Supporting Road Safety Interventions and Building Sustainability in China | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | A series of World Bank-financed projects in China were benefitted from BIGRS 2015-2019. Under this initiative, several urban and rural roads in the country were iRAP assessed and investment plans were produced for implementation. |
Sustainable Road Safety Outcomes in Brazil | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | Under BIGRS 2015-2019, 371 km of roads were surveyed and assessed in Fortaleza and São Paulo. The suggested investment plans for the cities would prevent 15,900+ potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years. Assessments made under the Bloomberg Initiative enabled early dissemination of the iRAP methodology in the state of São Paulo. |
Swedish 2+1 with wire rope median | EuroRAP, iRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single-carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. Many existing single-carriageway road sections in Sweden have been provided with a wire rope safety fence to separate opposing vehicles, thereby effectively making them dual-carriageways, mostly within the existing roadspace required for a single-carriageway. Results from the before and after studies show a number of significant effects, with number of fatalities and seriously injured often decreasing by 50%. |
The Coast Road Median Barrier | Transit New Zealand | Installation of median barriers on a 3.4km Coast Road section of State Highway 1 helped in significant reduction of fatal and serious injury crashes. 5-year crash data after barrier installation in comparison to previous 5 years show that fatal crashes dropped from 7 to 0 and serious injury crashes dropped from 3 to 1. Post improvement surveillance footage showed improvement in driver behaviour and confidence levels. |
The Influence of Road Materials Characteristics on Road Safety | Alina Burlacu | Aspects such as skid-resistance, permeability, and evenness influence road safety. This study shows that by varying the source of pavement materials alone, stopping sight distance can differ with up to 20 meters. |
Using the Power of a Public Opinion Poll + Digital Advocacy to Accelerate Road Safety Legislation in India | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | Since 2013, the SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF), an organisation focused on improving road safety and emergency care across India, has worked to pressure policy makers to develop a comprehensive road safety law that would provide safer streets for drivers and pedestrians. |
Wuhan Implements Model Junction Channelisation for Pedestrians | World Bank | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented to improve the safety of pedestrians at intersections under the Wuhan Urban Transport Project (WUTP). A model junction with treatments such as physical channelisation with pedestrian refuge, multi-phase traffic and pedestrian signal etc. was developed to illustrate the benefits to road agencies. |
All Case Studies
Name of case study | Project Leads | Description |
A Brief Overview on the Road Safety Approach in Singapore | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The report introduces how the Safe System Approach works, with a focus on road infrastructure and road safety engineering best practices from one of the best performing countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Singapore. |
A-375 Road | Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain) | This case study describes the reduction in number of head-on and run-off crashes on A-375 road in Spain after implementation of central line rumble strips. |
A-4 Highway | Spanish National Government | This case study describes the improvement in Star Rating after implementation of safety barriers on selected section of A-4 highway in Spain. Star Rating improved from 3-star to 4-star for vehicle occupants and from 1-star to 2-star for motorcyclists. |
A404 Amersham | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | This case study describes the upgrades that were implemented on Britain’s most improved road as reported in the British EuroRAP Risk Mapping Results 2014. The upgrades have improved the Star Ratings to 39% 2-star, 28% 3-star and 33% 4-star for this road user group. For pedestrians the upgrades have seen the Star Ratings improve from 17% 2-star, 62% 3-star and 21% 4-star to 56% 3-star and 44% 4-star with the 2-star sections eliminated… |
Amend and Zoleka Mandela Cut the Ribbon on Lifesaving Infrastructure in Accra, Ghana | Amend | In March, 2020, Zoleka Mandela joined Amend at Oblogo Schools in Accra, Ghana – where recently two children have been killed and many injured in traffic – to cut the ribbon on lifesaving infrastructure. |
America’s Best New Bikeways of 2020 | People for Bikes | These projects make biking more useful, more beautiful and more welcoming to all riders. With careful planning and smart construction, cities relied on support from residents to expand access to completely connected, comfortable mobility networks, allowing people on bikes or on foot to travel safely throughout their community. |
Análisis de conflictos viales: metodología y resultados en el entorno escolar de BINE, Puebla | Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC) | An intersection adjacent to the Benemérito Instituto Nacional del Estado (BINE), was improved with low-cost infrastructure widening the pedestrian spaces through the implementation of bollards and markings, which reduced pedestrian crossing, reduced the exposure time of pedestrians crossing the road and rearranged the parking area. The intervention led to a 69% decrease in road conflicts compared to the situation before the intervention, and a star rating increase from 1 to 3 stars. |
Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway-20 in Karnataka | World Bank | Case study presents the infrastructure improvements and the resultant reduction in crashes on Belgaum – Yaragatti State Highway in Karnataka, India. Implementation of treatments such as intersection improvements, 2+1 lanes, pedestrian crossing facilities, roadside safety barriers, speed calming etc. showed significant improvement in Star Rating and over 50% reduction in fatalities. |
Belize City to Belmopan Road Safety Improvements | Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)Government of Belize | Upgrades to the demonstration corridor, informed by iRAP’s recommendations led to: improved safety performance of the road from 5% 3-star or better to 100% 3-star or better; fatality reductions from 33 deaths a year to a 5-year average of 8. |
Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies | Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), City of Buenos Aires, City of Fortaleza, City of Rotterdam, New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), Transport for London (TfL) | These case studies from Bogotá, Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Rotterdam and London illustrate the diversity of approaches available to better understand and prevent serious road crashes in cities. They also include experiences of developing reliable traffic injury data, enforcing speed limits, implementing safer street design, and predicting and preventing road crashes. Each case study exemplifies best practice in one or more of the areas examined. |
Better Data for Safer Roads in the Philippines: New legislation supporting nation-wide scale up of DRIVER in the Philippines | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | The Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation and Reporting System (DRIVER) was integrated into the daily workflow of Philippine National Police (PNP) in 2020 through a legislation. Effective monitoring and trainings were established in regional, provincial, district and city levels to ensure faithful compliance. This is another strong milestone in establishing DRIVERS as the national crash data collection system in the Philippines. |
Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System – Case Studies | Bikesafe | A series of case studies that illustrate various treatments and/or programs as implemented in a USA state or municipality. |
Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra) Upgrade | Australian Government, Queensland Government | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Cooroy to Curra section of Bruce Highway. A new 12km, 4-lane divided highway with safety barriers, grade separated interchange, etc. was delivered through an investment of AUD$513 million. Comparison of the reported crash data on the old Bruce Highway to the new alignment show an 82% reduction in fatal and serious injuries (FSIs). |
Building Momentum for Seat-Belt Laws in Turkey | Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS) | In 2012, Turkey’s Prime Minister launched the Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. This important government strategy set a goal of increasing seat-belt use from 44% to 70% in urban areas and 76% to 90% in suburban areas by 2015, and 80% and 100%, respectively, by 2020. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through press conferences and collaborating with partners to create a civil society declaration. |
Building safer roads through better design and better contracts | Government of Tamil Nadu, World Bank | This road sector project in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu shows how relatively simple and affordable design improvements can make roads significantly safer, and bring other important benefits such as enhanced drainage and water conservation. Facilities installed had combined increased construction costs by only about 10% ($100,000 per km)—a worthwhile investment in light of the safety and operational benefits. It is estimated that deaths fell by around 31% after facilities were installed. |
Central Hatching in Malaysia | Malaysian Institute of Road Safety (MIROS) | After iRAP Malaysia pilot project in 2008, MIROS undertook a study to test the effectiveness of central hatching which was recommended by iRAP at selected locations. The study involved installation of central hatching on a 2.8km length section of four lane highway and evaluation of resultant impacts. |
Child-Centering Road Safety: Making Sure It Works for Girls and Boys | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Shaanxi Provincial Department of Transportation | From 2015–2020, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) supported a project in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that made system-wide improvements to road safety,(link is external) including infrastructure, institutional strengthening, and education interventions. Child-centered and participatory methodologies were used in three primary schools and their communities along #102 Provincial Highway in Xunyang County, South Shaanxi. |
Collection of reports on the investigation of severe road crashes in the web site of France’s Bureau of Investigation for Accidents of Surface Transports | Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau | The land transport accident investigation bureau (BEA-TT) performs technical investigations into serious crashes to prevent similar occurrences. |
Corridor C-12 Road | Catalan government | C-12 is a single carriageway road, without median separation, and has relatively high operating speed and moderate curves. The study shows a comparison of baseline Star Rating with the achievable Star Rating by implementing the suggested investment plan and a scenario to provide 2+1 lane configuration with median barrier throughout. |
Corridor C-55 / C-58 | Catalan government | This case study describes the benefits of implementation of median barrier along a highspeed road segment which recorded and high number of fatal crashes. iRAP Star Rating increased from 2-star to 3-star on the sections of road where median barrier was installed. Fatal and serious injuries in the three years after implementation were almost half the number in the three years before. The number of fatalities was reduced from 16 to 1. |
Creating and Implementing a Plan for Child Helmet Use in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Through careful research and planning and working closely with the government, by a coalition initiated by the AIP Foundation, within one year helmet wearing has significantly increased. This Case Study’s tactics include drafting an action plan, coalition building, identifying and engaging key champions, launching a public awareness campaign, creating and distributing a school manuals, engaging with traditional media, and monitoring implementation. |
Creating Spaces for Kids in Istanbul: The Transformation of Zümrütevler Square | Maltepe Municipality, NACTO-GDCI | This case study discusses the transformation of Zümrütevler Square in Istanbul. Unorganised parking space in the square has been converted into children’s play area and space for pedestrians. |
Cross-sections and mid-block National Road M2-R7 Saratenii-Soroca-Drochia Junction | Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC) | This case study focuses on the influence that elements of design may have on the Star Rating Score (SRS), the values in the scale that determine which of the Star Rating bands (1-5, with 5 the safest) a road section may achieve. SRS scores reflect risk to individual road users, the higher the score the higher the risk. The case study shows the application of Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) in this process. Its shows how SR4D may assess the safety of the road and elements of the road before construction begins. |
CRTIP project | UNICEF and Safe Kids Worldwide | Child Road Traffic Injury Prevention (CRTIP) program aims to make roads safer for children in the Philippines by developing models for child road traffic safety programs, strengthening data collection and analysis, improving road safety laws and policies, enhancing multisectoral action for children’s safety, and improving road safety education for school children. As a pilot, 66 schools were assessed using SR4S and four school were upgraded. |
Cycle friendly traffic calming on the F3 cycle highway | Municipality of Herent | Where a road crosses a village, there is often limited space available between buildings. The reconstruction of Lodewijk van Veltemstraat in the municipality of Herent is an example how to provide continuous cycling infrastructure in such case. |
Delivering Road Safety in India | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The report points to the high death rate on India’s roads caused by a chronic lack of investment in systemic, targeted, and sustained road safety programs and identifies relevant investment priorities to reverse the trend. |
E75 (NR-90, CH.182+400 – CH.184+600) | EuroRAP | In this case study, the Star Rating for Designs is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road section can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. It is also proved that it is not mandatory to rely upon crash data to demonstrate a potential safety improvement. |
Effect of the helmet act for motorcyclists in Thailand | Government of Thailand | After enforcement of the helmet act, helmet-wearers increased five-fold while head injuries decreased by 41.4% and deaths by 20.8%. Those who had head or neck injuries or died were less likely wearing a helmet. |
Effectively Reducing the Number of Drink Drivers | Mexican Red Cross Society (MRCS) | The Mexican Red Cross Society teamed up with the local police in Guanajuato, Mexico to help garner public support and increase legitimacy for drink driving enforcement checkpoints. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through a kick-off meeting, utilizing volunteers to help convey the road safety message, and creating partnerships to bolster effectiveness. |
El Salvador’s Coastal Highway | Government of El Salvador, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) | A safer road design was achieved particularly for vulnerable road users, lifting the original design from a largely 1-2 Star Rating, to a 2-5 Star Rating. It also lead to a better understanding within the road authority of road safety design principles. |
Evaluation of Wide Centreline Treatment Effectiveness | Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads | Wide centrelines increase separation of opposing traffic with painted lines up to 1 metre wide, often accompanied by audio-tactile linemarking. The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads implemented this treatment on selected sections of the Bruce Highway in 2011. This evaluation found that head on fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 30% and run off road fatalities and serious injuries reduced by 24%. |
Final evaluation of 80 km/h speed limit on single carriageway roads outside built-up areas in France | Cerema | To support a national target of a 50% reduction in road fatalities, speed limits on two-way rural roads with no central separator in mainland France. The initiative resulted in significant reductions in serious trauma and overall socio-economic benefits of more than EUR 700 million per year. |
Forming a Coalition to Bring Attention to E-Bike Regulation in | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | To help bring awareness and attention on the need for e-bike regulation, road safety advocates created the Tianjin Road Safety Alliance. Tactics in this Case Study include: engaging traditional media through awareness events, hosting joint media events and walk-a-thons, as well as, gathering and sharing data within a coalition. |
Fortaleza Cares: Prioritizing Safer Access to Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital | Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital, Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), NACTO-GDCI, World Resources Institute (WRI) | Transforming the safety of the streets surrounding the hospital. This area, in Fortaleza, Brazil, is now equipped with safe pedestrian infrastructure that has reduced the number of people walking on the roadbed by 86%, and greatly improved accessibility to the hospital. |
From Legislation to Implementation in Cambodia | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | In late 2014, after several years of discussion between advocates and the government, the Cambodian government passed comprehensive road traffic legislation. Tactics in this Case Study include: fostering partnerships, coordinating with other road safety activists, working closely with the government to commit funds for implementation, and conducting trainings and workshops on road safety. |
Generic case of selecting sites for 2+1 with median barrier Road 4, south west of Debrecen – Ukraine border | EuroRAP | This case study has shown how iRAP Star Rating maps, Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIPs) and tools within the iRAP software platform ViDA maps may be used to guide site selection for 2+1 roads with median barrier in Hungary. |
Head First: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Motorcycle Helmet Campaign | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Government of Vietnam | Published to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Vietnam’s 2007 introduction of a universal helmet law, ‘Head First’ details the decade-long campaign to secure the legislations, and the decade-long implementation effort since. |
High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Crash Reduction Program | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) | High Friction Surfacing Treatment (HFST) Program in Kentucky is one of the 2013 winners of The Annual National Roadway Safety Awards. Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) conducted a pilot program to improve skid resistance using high friction surfacing treatment (HFST) at 26 locations prone to run-off crashes. |
Human lives need not be lost in road crashes—much less at current levels | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Karnataka, World Bank | The project supported the adoption of a whole-of-government programmatic approach to road safety, with activities focused on every stage: policy, planning, design, construction, and operation. The results have been striking: fatalities and injuries along the Belagavi – Yaragatti (62 km) State Highway corridor, that piloted the approach, were reduced by more than 50%. Approximately $9 million was invested, including approximately $6 million wo for safer infrastructure (~($100,000/km). |
Illustrations of roads improved with safer infrastructure | World Bank | Illustrations with example images showing before and after Star Ratings of state highways in Gujarat and Kerala improved with safer infrastructure. |
Impact of reduction of posted speed limits | Cumming School of Medicine University of Calgary | Speed reduction, pedestrians |
Implementing Road Safety Engineering Measures in Ho Chi Minh City | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study describes the upgrades implemented on the city roads of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which were assessed by iRAP under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). Based on iRAP and BIGRS partners recommendations, the local administration has implemented over 300 road safety engineering measures such as refuge islands, raised pedestrian crossings, footbridges etc. |
Improved Line Marking and Rumble Strips | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A 3-E’s (Education, Engineering & Enforcement) approach was undertaken to address the crashes on State Highway 1 in New Zealand. Engineering treatments such as 150mm double yellow profiled centreline marking, 150mm edgeline marking and 150mm wide ribs immediately outside of the edgeline were implemented on a 37km section out of the entire 200km project road. Fatal and serious injury crashes on this 37km section dropped by 67% after implementation of these measures… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities Around Ied Rodrigo Lara Bonilla | Bogota Mobility Secretariat | In 2018, as part of the city’s Vision Zero approach, the Bogota Mobility Secretariat launched their 2,000th safe school zone, around the IED Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Public School in Ciudad Bolivar.As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), in partnership with the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and NACTO-GDCI, the Mobility Secretariat started a pilot project in the area. The countermeasures were first tested with temporary materials to verify their impact. Cones and plants were introduced… |
Improved Pedestrian Facilities At Shohada, Imam Ali & Azmoodeh Primary Schools | Global Alliance of NGOs, Road Safety Pioneers | Assessments were conducted around eight primary schools in Tehran and Mashhad using the SR4S app. Three schools were found to have a 1-star safety rating and were selected for the implementation of safety treatments. Treatments included the installation of delineation, speed bumps, road studs and an on-road thermoplastic school sign. SR4S was again used to assess the school zones post-construction. The result was an improvement to 3-stars for the Shohada School, 4-stars for the Imam Ali School and 2-stars for the Azmoodeh School. |
Improving road safety through speed management in Accra | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | With the support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIRGS) 2015-2019, pedestrian footbridges, new speed limits, crosswalks, and installation of traffic lights were completed in an effort to make roads safer in Ghana. The BIGRS initiative surveyed and assessed 260 km of roads in In Accra; completed 74 km of construction based on iRAP survey recommendations; trained 164 professionals on road safety; which could prevent over 5,243 potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years |
Improving road safety through speed management in Bogotá | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), City of Bogotá, Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), iRAP | In Bogotá, a network of approximately 200 km of roads has been assessed for road safety risks in the BIGRS program. The results show that over 40% of this network has an iRAP star rating of 1 or 2 for bicyclists, and over 60% is 1 or 2 stars for pedestrians. Scenarios tested using iRAP, along with input from the BIGRS partnership, showed significant safety benefits from reducing the speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h in key arterial roads… |
Increasing Road Safety in Argentina | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | A $38.5 million road safety initiative was launched in Argentina by the World Bank to reduce road traffic injuries, crashes and fatalities. The components of the initiative include institutional capacity-building, demonstration corridors with incentive fund program and road safety monitoring and evaluation. The initiative helped to achieve 35% reduction of fatalities in selected pilot corridors, 12% reduction in the national road traffic death rate, increase in seat belt and helmet usage rates etc. |
Increasing Road Safety Investments in Addis Ababa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | GRSF funded iRAP assessment of Tulu Dimtu – Kality Interchange Road in Ethiopia led to led to an investment of $17.5 million in interventions. Each $1 of GRSF investment resulted in $80 additional for road safety in Addis Ababa. |
Intersection speed zones | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Intersection Speed Zones are used to improve the safety at rural intersections along high-speed roads. They detect when a driver is approaching on a side road and activate an electronic Variable Speed Limit sign to temporarily show a lower speed limit on the main road. Looking at the ten sites installed in the first trial, in the years after installation compared to the five years before: total crashes reduced by 28%; fatal and serious crashes reduced by 69%. |
Kazakhstan Safe Villages and Education | EASST, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) | In July 2016, in conjunction with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development’s South West Corridor Road Rehabilitation Project in the Martuk region of Aktobe, Kazakhstan, EASST Expertise consultants delivered a Safe Villages and Education Campaign in the local area where road improvement works had taken place. |
Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust | Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust (KRSD Trust), with the support of iRAP and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, has been working with the school and community leaders to improve road safety. The work of KRSD Trust and iRAP Star Rating for Schools to improve road safety for Lea Primary School students has been profiled in a moving video |
Kyrgyzstan, Safe and Sustainable Streets | EASST | A targeted campaign was implemented between May-September to inform and urge the public to use seat belts and child car seats. The results revealed an increase in the number of drivers and front passengers choosing a safe ride by buckling up, and a significant increase (160% from the baseline) in the use of seat belts in the back seat |
Maintenance and basic improvements to SS 51 di Alemagna | EuroRAP | The case study shows a reduction in risk after implementation of maintenance and some additional measures added during that process. |
Maintenance improvements to road sections of A6, A8, A9, D8 | EuroRAP | iRAP assessment results of selected Croatian TEN-T roads are presented in this case study. The study shows that implementation of maintenance-only remedies such as delineation improvement, clearance of roadside hazards or replacement/modification/installation of roadside barriers improved the Star Rating by 1 to 2 stars. |
Making Vehicle Inspections Count in Cameroon | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Assessment of Vehicle Inspection Systems (AVIS) project is undertaken by GRSF and CITA with a view to upgrade vehicle inspections. The main objective of the project is to identify systems for vehicle inspection and approval, and to propose an improvement strategy to make vehicles safer and travel more efficient. Global objective of the AVIS projects is to carry out audits of vehicle inspection systems in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon is the second country to benefit from such an audit. |
Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway-55 in Gujarat | World Bank | This case study presents the improvement in Star Rating after upgradation of Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway in Gujarat, India. Treatments such as Duplication (2 to 4 laning), median safety barriers, intersection improvements, pedestrian crossing facilities, curve delineation etc. were implemented. |
Mexico’s National Network | Secretariat for Communications and Transport (SCT) | Mexico systematically Star Rated their road network in 2012, investing millions of pesos in iRAP recommended road upgrades.They resurveyed the network in 2015 to evaluate the success of their investment. The results highlighted that 17% of the 42,801km road network was lifted from only a 1 or 2-star level to 3-star or better. |
More schools in Mogale City to benefit from road safety project | South African Road Federation (SARF) | Working with our partners, we developed a Road Safety Risk Assessment Model, which includes a Road Safety Risk Index, to prioritise schools where the risk for accidents is high. We made use of the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) App to measure the road environment, road type, road features, school zone, sidewalks, crossings, flow of vehicles and pedestrians as well as intersections. To measure speed around the schools, we used a hand-held speed gun. Using these tools, we undertook a risk assessment of 50 schools in Mogale City. Those with the highest road safety risk were selected for the project. These included Athlolong primary school, Lengau primary school, Mosupatsela secondary school, Tsholetsega public school, WD Oliphant primary school and Bosele intermediary school. For each school, we looked at a surrounding radius of roughly one kilometre because some children have to cross major roads to get to school. Infrastructure, signage and road markings were also considered. Then, we implemented infrastructure upgrades and speed reduction tactics. These interventions took place alongside road safety education, law enforcement and data management. We also aimed to eliminate hazardous locations and mitigate risk |
Motorway A3, from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka | EuroRAP | This case study concerns the Zagreb bypass, motorway A3 section from junction Jakuševec to junction Ivanja Reka where a Star Rating for Design Plans has been conducted. |
Mumbai – Pune Expressway Road Accident Study | JP Research India (JPRI) | JP Research India (JPRI) undertook a detailed 12-month crash investigation study on Mumbai – Pune Expressway in India. During the 12-month study period, in-depth investigations 214 crashes on the 94km expressway were conducted in a scientific manner involving detailed examination of the crash scene, crash vehicles and the injuries sustained by the victims. The study revealed that 63% of crashes on the expressway involved trucks. Cars and trucks are the most affected road user types in the collisions. |
N-IV (CH. 558+500 – CH. 566+500, Seville) | Spanish National Government | The case study involves the upgrading of a remaining single carriageway section to dual carriageway. The SR4D carried out will improve the road safety rating substantially and the Star Ratings will be increased by at least two stars for car occupants and for bicyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
National programme efficacy | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. This case study describes the reduction in fatalities and serious injuries resulting from the implementation of 2+1 with wire rope barrier. |
National Road 51 | EuroRAP | This case study describes the potential benefits of implementation of 2 + 1 road with barrier on part of National Road 51 in Greece. |
NR-7 Road (Asprohoma) | EuroRAP | The case study shows how a traditional crash “before and after” study on part of a network may be informed and enriched by the use of complementary iRAP data. |
Observing pedestrian-vehicle traffic conflicts in school zones to evaluate the effectiveness of road safety interventions and reduce injuries in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico, 2019-2021 | Amend, Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation, Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC), FIA Foundation, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) | Three non-governmental organizations in Ghana, Vietnam, and Mexico applied three Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT) to collect pre and post intervention traffic conflict data. |
Pedestrian Refuges, Bicycle Lanes, Delineation and One-way Road | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on Railway Parade Road in Sydney, Australia. Treatments such as pedestrian crossing facilities, intersection improvements, road delineation, on-road bicycle lane etc. were implemented. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the treatments have helped to create a safer environment for all road users. | |
Por Amor – Costa Rica’s Seat Belt Campaign | FIA Foundation | ‘Por Amor Seat Belt Campaign’ was a pilot project in Costa Rica based on the principles of ‘best practice’ developed in the FIA Foundation seat belt toolkit, which identifies the best methods to raise levels of seat belt usage. The target of the campaign was to achieve a seat belt wearing rate of 70%. |
Preventing aquaplaning phenomenon through technical solutions | Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania | The aquaplaning of a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water appears between the wheels of the vehicle and the road surface. The paper places emphasis on the significance of constructing a good quality pavement-structure wearing course, its influence on traffic safety, and the correlation between geometric properties of road elements and the aquaplaning phenomenon. |
R1 Trnava – Nitra | Slovak National Motorway Company (NDS) | Baseline iRAP assessment of R1 Trnava – Nitra motorway in Slovakia showed that more than 90% of the road length achieved only 1 & 2-star. After implementation of financially feasible countermeasures such as roadside safety barriers, shoulder rumble strips, road markings, signages etc. the 1-star sections were completely eliminated, and the road achieved 3-star or better rating for 42% of the length. |
Raised safety platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | Raised safety platforms make it physically uncomfortable to drive over the platform faster than the advisory speed. When used at intersections they can take the form of approach platforms just prior to the intersection, or the whole intersection can be raised. International research has shown Raised Safety Platforms reduce death and serious injuries by about 40%. |
Raised Safety Platforms | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), Safe System Solutions | Raised Safety Platforms (RSPs) are elevated sections of road that aim to reduce vehicle speedson the approach to areas of higher risk, such as intersections. |
RAP Partnerships Saving Lives: Great Britain | Road Safety Foundation (RSF) | In Britain, there were more than 153,158 reported road casualties in 2019. Societal costs equate to 1.7% of Gross Domestic Product. The Road Safety Foundation (RSF), as the voice of EuroRAP in the UK, systematically measures and maps 53,000km of motorways and A roads each year to performance track the safety of Britain’s roads. Financial support for this is provided by Ageas (UK) Limited. RSF also works closely with Highways England, the Department for Transport (DfT) and local partners to drive an important focus on road network safety, 3-star |
Reducing Traffic Accidents in China – Strengthening the Use of Road Safety Audits | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This case study reviews the specific role of road safety audits, a formal examination of the crash potential and safety performance of a future or existing road or traffic project. |
Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads (RADAR) | European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA) | The 3-year Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads (RADAR) project is being run by the Slovenia-based European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA). It involves 10 Project Partners and 12 Associated Strategic Partners as well as two international organisations South East Europe Transport Observatory and the European Union Strategy for Danube Region (Priority 1b – Rail-Road-Air Mobility). |
Road No. 21, Vanneberga | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), EuroRAP | The case study deals with how improvements to roads and roadsides can reduce serious injury and in particular the use of the 2+1 with wire rope median as used in Sweden and an example on Road No. 21 near Vanneberga in the south of that country. |
Road Safety – Catalogue Of Case Studies | World Road Association (PIARC) | PIARC Case Studies Catalogue contains the description of a set of interventions designed, implemented and operated worldwide to improve road safety in three specific fields: Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), Human Factors (HF) and interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) |
Road Safety & Juniors Paving The Way For A Safer Tomorrow | Government of Haryana, Trax | Government of Haryana, MG Motor and TRAX are developing a safer culture around schools through road upgrades, research and training involving students, teachers and the community, supported by SR4S. |
Road safety action pays off, and “demonstration corridors” are here to prove it | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank | The 138.6-km-long Kadapa to Renigunta safety demonstration corridor was implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project (APTRSP). Locations where curves and junctions were improved saw a 53% reduction in road crashes and 42% reduction in fatalities. Approximately $5 million was invested in the demonstration (around $36,000/km). |
Road Safety Barriers for Open Roads in Nepal | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), UK Aid | Several critical road sections in Nepal were identified under World Bank Road Sector Development Project (RSDP). GRSF with funding from UK Aid supported installation of 73,000m crash barriers along some of the deadliest roads in the country and this is expected to save up to 3,456 lives over the next 20 years. |
Road Safety Data Assessment in Viet Nam for the establishment of a National Road Safety Observatory | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The World Bank has been assisting the Government of Viet Nam (GoVN), through the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), to establish a National Road Safety Observatory (NRSO) for Viet Nam, improve road safety data systems, and update the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan for Viet Nam. |
Road Safety Data Review in Cambodia – Summary Note | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This project follows up on a previous twinning project between Cambodia and the Netherlands, undertaken in the framework of the International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) group of ITF in 2010-2014. That project concerned both a review of the Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS), and training and support to develop a national road safety strategy and related indicators. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for Samoa | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) is an activity within a broader Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA), which aims to gain a holistic and thorough understanding of the road safety management capacity of three selected Pacific Island Countries (PICs)—Samoa, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu—in order to support their respective governments to develop national strategies and plans of action to improve road safety outcomes, with a focus on crash data management. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for the Solomon Islands | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Solomon Island Government road safety management capacity in order to support the country’s development of a national strategy and plan of action to improve road safety outcomes, and subsequently implement those actions effectively. |
Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment for Vanuatu | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | This Road Safety Management Capacity Assessment (RSMCA) seeks to gain a broad understanding of the Government of Vanuatu’s road safety management capacity to support its plans to improve road safety outcomes throughout the country. |
Road Traffic Injuries in Malawi: With Special Focus on the Role of Alcohol | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The objective of this study was to generate new knowledge about road traffic injuries in Malawi and the extent of traffic accidents related to alcohol use, to increase capacity to conduct alcohol-testing, and develop a database for the findings, which in turn will form the basis for future policy making to reduce traffic accidents. |
Rural road and motorway profiles | International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) | This case study shows some of the detail behind the iRAP Demonstrator and shows four examples from a suite of 15 sample 3-D designs. In these examples the rationale is explained for why low-standard examples of the rural roads and motorways rate less well for safety that their higher-standard equivalents. |
Rural roundabouts | New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) | A number of rural roundabouts have been installed at high speed main road intersections in Waikato and Auckland to address serious crash concerns.The fatal and serious crashes, and deaths and serious injury equivalents (the estimated number of deaths and injuries), have reduced by 75%. |
Safe Latin American Children in Traffic Program | Gonzalo Rodríguez | “Safe Latin American Children in Traffic” program is funded by the FIA Foundation with an aim to reduce risk factors associated to car crashes involving children, paying special attention to school zones. The project uses iRAP’s Star Rating for School and observational approach to assess school zones. |
Safer Road Design for LBS Marg in Mumbai | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | This case study presents the improvements made for pedestrian infrastructure on LBS Marg in Mumbai which has been developed as a safety demonstration corridor under the BIGRS. |
Safety at heart of urban road concession design | Sociedad Concesionaria Vespucio Oriente SA | Designs for the Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession in Chile, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America, have been assessed and improved using the iRAP Star Rating methodology prior to its commission in 2022 |
Safety Improvement for National Highway G109 | iRAP | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented on a 96km stretch of National Highway G109 in Beijing, China. Several treatments and upgrades were implemented on the section at an overall cost of 1.4 million dollars. |
Sakhalin Seatbelt Campaign, Russia | Sakhalin Road Safety Partnership | Seatbelt campaign through publicity and enforcement in Sakhalin Island, Russia has shown significant improvement in compliance. Campaign used media outlets such as television, radio, billboards, internet etc. along with enforcement. Success measurement using video sampling revealed that seatbelt wearing rate increased from 3-4% to 80%. |
Samoa Central Cross Island Road Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) | Asian Development Bank (ADB), Land Transport Authority (LTA), SMEC | The Central Cross Island Road (CCIR) is one of Samoa’s most critical arterials. It stretches 22 km with 20km upgrade providing access to 8 villiages, 7,000 residents and hundreds of businesses between the capital, Apia, and the island’s south. It is an important alternative route for cyclone evacuation and post-disaster relief. Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) enabled improvements prior to construction, increasing the 3-star road length for vehicle occupants from 23% to 73% |
Saving lives with car seats in the Philippines | Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) | With the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, we at GHAI joined international partners, including the World Health Organization and the Global Road Safety Partnership, to support a small group of non-governmental organizations in the Philippines who identified the need for legislation that promoted road safety, specifically protecting children on the road. |
School Zone Safety Improvement using SR4S | Government of Haryana, Trax | Case study presents the pedestrian facilities implemented around selected schools in Haryana, India. |
SE-30 Highway, Centennial Bridge | Spanish National Government | The case study involves adding a lane and providing a median barrier and assessing the impact of this under different traffic conditions. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard on and around the Centennial Bridge will have been improved significantly, and the Star Ratings increased by 1 or 2 stars in the different scenarios. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
SE-40 (CH. 0+000 – CH. 41+300, Seville) | Spanish National Government | This case study involves an assessment of the safety and influence of a bypass, including one section built in a tunnel. The SR4D carried out shows how the road standard will have been improved substantially, and the Star Ratings were increased for car occupants and motorcyclists. Thus, the proposed countermeasures for the road section under design are considered very effective. |
Slow Zones, Safe Zones in pilot project in Vietnam | Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation | Two pilot schools (Phan Dang Luu school and Nguyen Luong Bang school) were selected to receive infrastructure upgrades, speed reductions and education awareness campaign. |
Speed management in Philippines | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), UN Road Safety Fund | The UNRSF project trained more than 170 speed enforcers in best-practice speed enforcement, supported high-level officials in developing speed enforcement plans, and raised awareness among more than 75,000 people through social media engagement on the importance of appropriate speeds. |
Speed Variation Analysis: A Case Study for Thailand’s Roads | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | The importance of speed in influencing road user risk is highlighted in two case studies on different road types in Thailand — the Outer Ring Road and Hathai Rat Road in Bangkok — to demonstrate the effects of different speeds on the iRAP Star Ratings. |
Speeding Campaign: “COVID-19 Speeding” in Brazil | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), Vital Strategies | Driving is down, but speeding, especially among motorcyclists, is up during the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil. To address this, the city of Salvador launched a mass media campaign in May 2021 with doctor testimonials calling on riders to obey the speed limit, paired with increased enforcement operations. |
SS 114 Orientale Sicula | EuroRAP | The case study concerns an intervention carried out to upgrade an intersection on SS 114 Orientale Sicula in Italy. After the intersection was upgrades as a roundabout, a 77% percentage reduction was observed in the average annual number of injuries. |
SS 13 Pontebbana | EuroRAP | The improvement of 3 high-risk intersections on SS 13 Pontebbana in Italy showed a 38% reduction in the number of crashes. 2 intersections were upgraded as roundabouts and 1 was provided with channelization and lighting. The improvements proved to be economically viable in terms of savings in social cost with a benefit to cost ratio of 1.27. |
SS 45 (Genova – Piacenza) | EuroRAP | In this Case Study, the Star Rating for Designs process is used to illustrate how the safety performance of a specific road location can be assessed when countermeasures are proposed at the design stage. These measures will increase the Star Ratings from 1 to 3 or 4-star for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists and from 1- to 2- or 3-star for bicyclists. |
Supporting Road Safety Interventions and Building Sustainability in China | Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) | A series of World Bank-financed projects in China were benefitted from BIGRS 2015-2019. Under this initiative, several urban and rural roads in the country were iRAP assessed and investment plans were produced for implementation. |
Sustainable Road Safety Outcomes in Brazil | Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) | Under BIGRS 2015-2019, 371 km of roads were surveyed and assessed in Fortaleza and São Paulo. The suggested investment plans for the cities would prevent 15,900+ potential deaths and serious injuries over 20 years. Assessments made under the Bloomberg Initiative enabled early dissemination of the iRAP methodology in the state of São Paulo. |
Swedish 2+1 with wire rope median | EuroRAP, iRAP | Sweden has been instrumental in introducing innovative protection on single-carriageways with the concept of a 2+1 design with median protection. Many existing single-carriageway road sections in Sweden have been provided with a wire rope safety fence to separate opposing vehicles, thereby effectively making them dual-carriageways, mostly within the existing roadspace required for a single-carriageway. Results from the before and after studies show a number of significant effects, with number of fatalities and seriously injured often decreasing by 50%. |
The Coast Road Median Barrier | Transit New Zealand | Installation of median barriers on a 3.4km Coast Road section of State Highway 1 helped in significant reduction of fatal and serious injury crashes. 5-year crash data after barrier installation in comparison to previous 5 years show that fatal crashes dropped from 7 to 0 and serious injury crashes dropped from 3 to 1. Post improvement surveillance footage showed improvement in driver behaviour and confidence levels. |
The Influence of Road Materials Characteristics on Road Safety | Alina Burlacu | Aspects such as skid-resistance, permeability, and evenness influence road safety. This study shows that by varying the source of pavement materials alone, stopping sight distance can differ with up to 20 meters. |
Tribal Road Safety Audits: Case Studies | US Department of Transport Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) | Information for the case studies reported in this document was gathered during a series of four RSAs conducted throughout the United States in 2005 and 2006, involving tribal transportation agencies of the Standing Rock Sioux, Santa Clara Pueblo, Jemez Pueblo, and Navajo Nation. |
Using the Power of a Public Opinion Poll + Digital Advocacy to Accelerate Road Safety Legislation in India | Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) | Since 2013, the SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF), an organisation focused on improving road safety and emergency care across India, has worked to pressure policy makers to develop a comprehensive road safety law that would provide safer streets for drivers and pedestrians. |
Wuhan Implements Model Junction Channelisation for Pedestrians | World Bank | This case study describes the upgrades which were implemented to improve the safety of pedestrians at intersections under the Wuhan Urban Transport Project (WUTP). A model junction with treatments such as physical channelisation with pedestrian refuge, multi-phase traffic and pedestrian signal etc. was developed to illustrate the benefits to road agencies. |