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Case Study: Pedestrian Refuges, Bicycle Lanes, Delineation and One-way Road
- Railway Parade, Sydney, Australia

Railway Parade is located in the south of Sydney, Australia, and runs parallel to the Illawarra Railway line. It is largely a two lane undivided arterial road that carries approximately 15,000 vehicles per day and caters for significant pedestrian activity. A series of road safety improvements were made to Railway Parade in Carlton. These included

  • a long pedestrian refuge that spans the length of a block and includes a number of concrete islands. This refuge is primarily designed to assist pedestrians to cross safely between parked cars, shops and the railway station
  • a pedestrian refuge island and delineation improvements at the intersection with Garfield Street. These facilities are designed to assist pedestrians and better control vehicle turning movements
  • a concrete island and kerb-buildout at the intersection of Winchester street. This facility is designed to limit vehicle movements at Winchester Street to one way only (turns out of Winchester Street onto Railway Parade only) thereby assisting pedestrians, reducing the potential for conflicts at the intersection and creating additional car parking space
  • edgelines which are designed to better delineate the travel lanes
  • bicycle logos on the pavement to formalize the on-road bicycle lanes.

Taken together with landscaping, the facilities are also designed help calm traffic in the vicinity of the local shops and railway station. Photos and designs of the treatments are shown in the Related Images (see right).

Although a formal assessment of crash data has not been completed, anecdotal evidence indicates that the treatments have helped to create a safer environment for all road users.

This case study was provided by Kogarah Council, Sydney.
