Median Crossing Upgrade
A median crossing is a section of roadway provided between a divided carriageway to allow cross median movements and U-turns. A median crossing upgrade may provide deceleration and acceleration lanes reducing the risk of rear-end and opposing vehicle type crashes.
A wide shoulder or deceleration lane will allow slowing vehicles to manoeuvre out of the through lane. An acceleration lane will allow vehicles to merge with through traffic on the roadway.
Implementation issues
- Reduction in intersection crash types.
- Improves local access.
- Provides an additional emergency access point leading to improved emergency service response times.
Implementation issues
- Additional road space may be required.
- If the median crossing is used to access a side road, then intersection considerations for cross movements (such as visibility and stopping distance) will apply.
- Ensure roadside hazards are removed or sufficiently protected.
- Drainage structures and steep slopes within the median can increase risk. The slopes should be as flat as possible. If the slope cannot be made traversable, it should be protected by safety barrier.
- Median widening should be considered at intersections to facilitate traffic for the minor road turning onto the main road in two steps. The increased width will need to accord with the type of vehicles needing to wait.at the median while completing the turning manoeuvre.
The Star Rating Demonstrator is a freely available tool with the iRAP online software, ViDA. With the Star Rating Demonstrator, it is possible to explore the impact that this Safer Roads Treatment has on risk.
Treatment Summary
Costs | Low to medium |
Treatment life | 5 years - 10 years |
Potential casualty reduction | 25-40% |
Case Studies
- Diagram showing a median crossing - no acceleration or deceleration lane present
- Divided road - China. Image credit: Greg Smith
- Example of a road with a median and pedestrian refuge islands. Image credit: https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov