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Intersection crashes are one of the most common types of crash problem, particularly in urban areas. In rural areas, or where vehicle speeds are high, the consequence of collisions at intersections can be particularly severe.

The chances of avoiding serious injury or death reduce dramatically above 50 km/h for side impacts for the most modern types of cars, and is far less than this for older vehicles, and particularly for vulnerable road users.

A number of different intersection crash types can occur, including:

  • Collisions with pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Collision between oncoming vehicles and motorcycles, particularly when one is turning across traffic.
  • Right-angle collisions, where neither vehicle or motorcycle is turning (often occurring at high speed).
  • Right-angle or side-swipe collisions where one or more vehicles or motorcycles are turning.
  • Rear-end crashes.

Typical factors which may add to intersection crash risk include:

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