Road Safety Plans
Establishing a road safety plan is essential in achieving road safety goals and targets.
To support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) with the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) developed a Global Plan that makes recommendations for achievement of the target of a 50% reduction in deaths and injuries by 2030.
The Global Plan plan is built on the Safe System approach and aims to inspire national and local government, as well other stakeholders who can influence road safety (including civil society, academia, the private sector, donors, community and youth leaders, and other stakeholders) as they develop national and local action plans and targets for the Decade of Action.
The Global Plan includes recommendations in the following areas:
multimodal transport and land-use planning
safe road infrastructure
vehicle safety
safe road use
post-crash response.
The Global Plan identifies a series of requirements for implementation:
legal frameworks
speed management
capacity development
ensuring a gender perspective in transport planning
adapting technologies to the Safe System
focus on low- and middle-income countries.
The global plan also sets out respective responsibilities for government, academia, civil society and youth, the private sector, funders and the United Nations, and describes monitoring and evaluation mechanisms emphasizing the importance of good quality data. The Global Plan links with the Global Road Safety Performance Targets.
Members of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) have also prepared several complementary resources to assist with road safety planning:
Road Safety Country Profiles gives a precise assessment on the magnitude and complexity of road safety challenges faced by low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) and helps policy makers understand the road safety framework in context of their own country systems and performance.
The Speed Management Hub provides evidence-based road safety knowledge to help manage speed through infrastructure interventions, effective enforcement, targeted awareness measures, and vehicle technology.
A Business Case for Safer Roads which enables individual countries to estimate the cost and benefits of achieving Global Road Safety Performance Target 4.
The Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure sets out a blueprint for establishing the capacity to ensure safety is systematically built into road networks.
Related Images
- Global plan for road safety front cover. Image credit: WHO
- Global Plan. Image credit: WHO
- Global Plan blueprint. Image credit: WHO
- Global Plan target. Image credit: WHO
- Global Plan -- road crashes are the leading cause of death and injury for young people. Image credit: WHO
- Global Plan - road crashes cause more than 1.3 million deaths each year. Image credit: WHO
- Global Plan Infographic - for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 - 2030. Image credit: WHO/UN